That’s fine! Having a few common German phrases will make you experience these countries in a completely different way. While it is somewhat of a national tradition to complain about the trains being a) always late, b) never clean, c) too cold, or d) too hot, deep down every German appreciates the convenience of not having to use their car when trying to get somewhere.Especially if you are not used to riding on public trains and buses, navigating public transportation system can be hard at first.With these helpful German phrases, you should have no problem getting around though! The following German phrases are vital for any trip abroad — no matter if it’s a short vacation or a long-term stay. And for most of us, that means occasionally getting lost and asking for directions!Here are the phrases you need to ask and receive directions in German:I want to go here [Pointing to your destination on the map][Useful for checking if you're walking in the right direction]Whether you're at the supermarket, the shopping centre or the local farmer's market you're going to buy things at some point or another!And even haggle a bit –  just like you would in English. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.

Otherwise, the staff will just assume that you’d like to stay a little bit longer, and won’t bother you at all.If you need the waiter’s or the waitress’ attention, usually signing with your hand or your finger (by simply lifting it up in the air) is enough to get somebody’s attention.Germany offers a variety of delicious treats that can be purchased at either permanent booths in towns and cities or at smaller shops, which usually aren’t as full as restaurants, but offer food to go and takeout/deliveries to your home.There are a couple of phrases or expressions that aren’t necessarily “proper” high German but often coined in dialects, yet they still come in extremely handy when ordering food on the go.Yet if using it at one of the Döner shops in Germany, everyone will understand what you mean: you do want the spicy red chili flakes on top that make this already pretty delicious treat even better.I really do hope that you will not run into any unpleasant situations in Germany — whether this might be getting sick and having to go to the doctor or the hospital, having to call the police or requesting an ambulance.The following German phrases are vital for any trip abroad — no matter if it’s a short vacation or a long-term stay.Below you can find the most important German expressions that you might need when dealing with an emergency.As I’ve already mentioned, I really do hope you won’t have to make use of any of the German phrases in the last section of this post.Other than that, I hope these examples will come in handy when traveling through Germany and communicating with native speakers of German!Stay up to date on the latest from Clozemaster and the Clozemaster blog. Thank you, too [in reply to “thank you” from someone else else]#13 Ich bin Amerikanerin, Kanadierin, Engländerin (female)“I Do Not Understand!” – Getting Out Of Sticky SituationsWhether you're at the supermarket, ordering in a restaurant, or just having a normal conversation, it's essential to know how to use numbers in German. The most common way we refer to people is by using personal pronouns. 1000 Most Common Words 1000 Most Common German Words This is a list of the 1,000 most commonly spoken German words. Eins, zwei, drei….lOne of the most enjoyable cultural experiences you can have in a German-speaking country is visiting a restaurant and trying out some of the delicious local dishes.The following phrases cover all the questions and statements you need to make when eating out, from asking for a table to paying the bill!#39 Bringen Sie mir bitte eine Auswahl von leckeren Sachen[Useful when you're on the bus / train and are not sure when to get off]Public transport in Germany is notoriously excellent, but there are some places you'll need to walk or drive to yourself.

17 Useful German Phrases For a Great Conversation 1. 1 English-German phrasebook Basics Good day Guten Tag [goo-ten tahk] How are you? This is a good one to know. The top 100 words have audio pronunciations if available.

German people will be understanding if you're struggling to get your message across or At the same time, don't hesitate to use these expressions to help the conversation run smoothly if you don't understand something or need a little help.By the way, if you're interested in food and drink as it relates to German culture, take a look at this post about Oktoberfest, the world-famous There are lots of practicalities to consider when taking a trip to Germany, including finding your way around. Next to that, I’ll be providing some other expressions that might come in handy when out and about in Germany.There are various types of trains in Germany. This is a list of the 1,000 most commonly spoken German words. Learning a few key phrases and being able to use them is a great start. Having a few common German phrases will make you experience these countries in a completely different way. But if you learn basic German too, you'll be able to connect more with German speakers.