Go to the message and select More options > Edit. Direct messaging can be a great way to interact privately with one of your friends or followers but it's important to note that there are several options for organizing, controlling, and managing who can send you a private message. It's addicting, right?Well, have you graduated from casually scrolling the For You page and liking random TikToks to, maybe, wanting to create your own TikTok videos to share, privately or publically? Invite them!You can also see if people in your device's contacts are already on TikTok.Lastly, you can find your Facebook Friends on TikTok.Some creators allow you to save their videos to your device for offline viewing.Alternatively, long-press on a video and select save a video. You can make parts of it - videos you've liked - private. It'll be watermarked.When creating a TikTok, use the slider at the bottom of the Camera screen to record at .3x, .5x, 1x, 2x, or 3x speed. Either way, you can then find it from your device's camera roll or gallery.This essentially bookmarks videos for you to revisit later.Now, from the Me screen, tap the Bookmark icon to find all the videos you've marked as favourites.Want to save a TikTok video as a Live Photo that you can set as your wallpaper?You can also convert a TikTok into a GIF you can share.

Just go to the Settings screen.TikTok lets you view analytics on your posts! The Zoom platform offers in-meeting chat … England and Wales company registration number 5237480. There's no limit to how many times you can make changes to a sent message. How to remove … 2003 - 2020 © Pocket-lint Limited PO Box 4770, Ascot, SL5 5DP. However, if you're concerned your Zoom hosts can see private messages, here's what you should know. Me is visible to everyone, so you can add a profile photo and a bio, too.Now, that you know the basics of TikTok, let's dive into its key features and buried options, plus other tips and tricks you should know.The first way to find a TikTok to watch is from the Home screen.The third way is to go watch videos you've favorited or already liked.Once you find a video, you can like it, comment on it, save or download it for offline viewing (if allowed by the creator). But, we're always open to learning, so if we missed something, tell us below.Before we dive into tips and tricks, let's go over how to navigate the app. Otherwise, your likes and public videos are visible here. You can enable or update your DM settings at any time to stay in control of who can communicate with you privately. Me also shows who you followed, who follows you, number of likes on all your videos, your favorited videos, and your linked social media like YouTube or Instagram. You can also access their connected social media such as YouTube or Instagram.Here's the quickest way to find your TikCode, a QR code people can scan to find you:The first way to follow someone is from a TikTok video you're currently watching.The second way is when you're looking at someone's profile page.When you follow a TikTok account, you'll not only be able to find their profiles under the Following tab on the Me screen, but you'll be able to quickly browse through all their latest content from the Following feed in Home.To dislike a video, just repeat step 2 after liking a video.If you're annoyed by a certain trend on TikTok and want to see fewer videos like that, or maybe just see fewer videos in that same vein, you can label one as 'not interested', triggering TikTok to show you fewer of those videos going forward.Want to engage with other users? If so, you'll be glad you found this guide.Consider this a master list of TikTok features, hidden tools, and general tips and tricks. You can permanently remove a message that you've sent for everyone in the chat, or just for yourself. You can also turn off DMs entirely from the "Privacy and safety" page.Direct messages can be accessed from the "Inbox" tab by clicking the icon in the top right corner. Then create a TikTok using older footage of yourself that's saved on your device.If you'd like to upload multiple videos and photos, here's how:When you film a TikTok, tap the Sounds link at the top of Camera screen. The app will also continuously record for you.When creating a TikTok, tap the Effect button on the right of the Camera screen. If you select Remove for You, other people in the chat will still see the messages in their chat screen. Tap it to view your metrics and charts.TikTok Coins are an in-app currency that you buy with real money. Their video shows up picture-in-picture style.With TikTok, you can privately message other users in a direct message area.Alternatively, when watching a TikTok video, hit the Share button on the right and then select Message.Want more of your actual friends to talk to on TikTok? From here you can mute notifications for a specific conversation or pin it to the top of your inbox.