Just one note: what if someone who can't swim follows the whole instructable and then at the end reads the last step?

As the building inspector said, this is the stuff they put in the fancy houses. Compact compact compact. A paver deck does have some porosity to it and it will allow water to drain; however, it can be overwhelmed by a good solid rain or splash from the pool so you will want a deck drain installed to carry water away from the house.

The new step is leveled, and then backfilled with enough concrete to keep the step from moving.The following is an example of the process required to remove the poorly installed step and install a new one. 2 years ago Re: Adding Walk-In Steps to Inground Pool Riles, I don't own a pool but have 'retro'd' in steps to ~20 liner pools (I've also done it the way Andy said ~ 6 times).

The electrical code isn't there to make it more expensive or take longer, it's to make sure everyone is safe.Spend the extra money now on low voltage color changing lights. spray your concrete down while it cures?

2 years ago However, pool owners prefer this type of step; the drawback is cost. Thanks for reading and commenting!

For above ground pools, step or ladder options are pretty self-explanatory.

Thanks for sharing! 2 years ago

You heard it here first; the building inspector said I was getting the fancy stuff!Decking is again a straight forward easy part of the process that decks a long time. Drop In steps are typically added to an existing pool that was built without steps. After the concrete is placed, a worker will ensure the concrete is level and flat.After the concrete has set up, the next step is performed. 03. This step sits on top of the pool floor, has a weighted bottom to hold it down, has some “movement” when stepping on it, and over time causes liner abrasion which damages the liner.Steps that are connected to the pool wall require the cutting of the concrete deck where the step is to installed, cutting of the pool walls to accommodate the step unit, fabrication of metal to connect existing pools to the new step unit, a new liner (in most cases) and concrete deck patching around the new step unit. I built swimming pools for 8 years and i have to say you did pretty good about the only thing is in Oregon your required to add one more number 3 rebar between the 12 inch on center anywhere the water is more then 4 feet deep but i don't know if you are required to do that in other states or not I suggest a handrail for built in steps, but it not 100% necessary.After the forms are built, a concrete truck shows and normally the concrete will get wheelbarrow-ed from the street to the forms. Wow! As I'm sure you know, there are a lot of variations on concrete composition.


This is done to prevent cracks to your driveway, and prevent tearing up per-existing landscaping.

Using a good technique here makes chances of leaks really low.A Volts-wagon. Reply Normally I build the steps at 10″ tall and 12″ for the actual step. They really give the pool that pop of awesome, don't use much electricity and aren't that more than a traditional light.

Confer Plastics Access Pool Step.

The digging part is easy, however you won't realize how much dirt will come out of your yard until you start digging. 2 years ago Your pool? If you can or did, bravo. It was like the least fun part of this.

Thanks a lot! If the liner is relatively new, and in good condition, a step unit can be added without changing the liner.

Because we will be adding a liner, I was thinking about also replacing the ladder with concrete steps with the liner going over them.

Which is the right step? We saved so much by doing it ourselves that we were able to upgrade from regular concrete pavers to travertine decking! Reply Follow along as we learnt to build a pool in just 8 easy steps.You've pulled your permits right?

Guess I will just look at the steps, and pictures and dream!

This is truly amazing. All Rights Reserved. Drop in Steps. 2 years ago Thank you.