Has a flagellum surrounded by a collar or threadlike projections. They live in plants and animals. To login with Google, please enable popups ? The red algae life cycle is an unusual alternation of generations that includes two sporophyte phases, with meiosis occurring only in the second sporophyte.The most abundant group of algae is the green algae. Their name refers to a complex of microtubules as their apical end that they use to enter a cell_________ is the most studied apicomplexan disease.What is the 1st step in the life cycle of Plasmodium?A female mosquito bites a human. The cytoplasm of eucaryotic cells contains many organelles not found in procaryotic cells.

Radiolaria are planktonic and they are the most abundant in nutrient rich tropical watersOver time, geologic processes have transformed some accumulations of foraminiferal shells into __________.Chalk and limestone (two types of calcium carbonate - rich sedimentary rock)Over time, geologic processes have transformed some accumulations of radiolarian shells into silica rich deposits called _____________.Member of a protists lineage having small sacs beneath the plasma membraneThree groups of single celled protists - ciliates, dinoflagellates, and apicomplexans - are ________.Ciliates, or ciliated protozoans are highly diverse heterotrophs with about 8,000 species. That many species must have become extinct as others appeared can be deduced from the limited fossil record … If plants, animals and fungi are eac…

Through Meiosis, you get haploid spores, which under mitosis and you get single cells or multi celled bodies.What is the diploid cell in the haploid dominant cycle?Single cells or multi celled bodies (diploid) undergo Meiosis and create haploid gametes. Plasmodial slime molds are a member of this super group Eukaryotes may more formally be referred to as the taxon Eukarya or Eukaryota. Former groupings defined by previous classification schemes are no longer recognized in the 2005 system, such as the former phylum Sarcomastigophora, which grouped paraphyletic lineages of photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic taxa.