A dog may not get sick at all if it eats a slug, however, you never know if a larva is on a slug, so it is best to discourage the habit of your dog eating a lungworm. Blood in urine, vomiting blood, pink blood spots in the gum and other problems to do with bleeding might be other signs of our dog contracting lungworm. When the slime from this slug touches mucous membranes, like nostrils or lips or eyes, it can cause a mild burning sensation, but no harm other than that.

Rinse all outdoor pet toys with warm water and soap before allowing your dog to play with them. If rat lungworm (which travels through the central nervous system) is at risk in your area, then keep food in airtight containers to keep rats (who can carry this lungworm) away.If there are a lot of slugs in your garden, an idea for consideration would be to use a non-toxic form of controlling the number of slugs in your garden and make sure your dog is properly supervised while he is in your garden. Academic Press. Slugs and snails are not parasites, but they host parasites.The lungworm (Angiostrongylus vasorum) is a common snail and slug parasite. A snail or slug eats that poop and picks up worm larvae, which grow for a while inside the new slow-moving host. Clean up your dog’s faeces promptly and efficiently dispose of them to help to stop the spread of lungworm. The banana slug is often bright yellow, though it can be brown, white, and green. Is this true, or is it a myth and are slugs poisonous to dogs? The creatures move by expanding and contracting their single foot, and the slime provides a slippery surface to glide over. Snails and slugs may not look dangerous, but they can kill if they carry a parasitic nematode (Angiostrongylus cantonensis) known as the rat … ANSWER: Average slugs or snails that you find in the garden are not poisonous in themselves, but they can carry parasites that are potentially fatal. In 1980, the school’s president There is no vaccine for Rat Lungworm, but there is one for French Lungworm.The second problem is not directly to do with the slug, but with the baits that we put down to combat slugs and snails. Like all slugs, banana slugs use four tentacles to sense their environment. Slug bait is toxic - is that what you were thinking of?

That is why if you touch a slug/snail you will see it draw back it's antenna/eyes.

The parasite's life cycle begins in an infected gastropod, where adult worms produce larvae. 3rd. However, there are possible problems that you should be aware of that mean you should – if you can – prevent this habit developing at an early stage.

When the mucin chain comes into contact with water, it expands to more than a hundred times its original size, creating a sticky mucus. If you live in an area where French lungworm is common you vet will be able to administer the appropriate medicine, and if rat lungworm is present, you will have to wait for 1 to 3 weeks for your dog to develop symptoms if they are affected. However, touching the rest or them CAN pass on the infecting agents. This, if your dog eats an infected slug, there is a very real possibility of lungworm developing in the lungs and the heart of the dog.This can be very dangerous indeed – fatal, even, if it is allowed to progress – and needs urgent medical help from an expert.


Gastropods prefer damp habitats, although they are sometimes found in dry habitats that have ample dark and cool shelters.

The only danger that slugs pose is to the plants in your garden, and they will eat fruits and vegetables as well. For more information, please read our privacy policy.