Soak a cotton ball in the mouthwash, and then apply to affected skin. The information on this site is designed for informational purposes only. will damage the skin and thus creates red, rough and raised patches on the skin.Baking soda is a very effective remedy for treating eczema, want to know how? Baking Soda for Ringworm: Ringworm is a contagious skin infection that caused due to fungus. To treat a case of foot ringworm, place a couple of slices of fresh garlic into your shoes, and wear on a daily basis.

When washing socks, kill the infection by soaking in 1 part vinegar and 4 parts water for 30 minutes before placing in the laundry.If you suffer cracked feet associated with athlete’s foot, try rubbing lemon juice on affected skin two times per day. These itchy rashes are contagious and turn into blisters. To avoid any unnecessary consequences, consider some of the following ringworm home remedies:To treat scalp and skin ringworm, consider the antifungal properties of garlic. It also reduces the redness and swelling with its anti-inflammatory property.Ringworm is a contagious skin infection that caused due to fungus. Sometimes, the skin will flake, peel or crack in the groin region. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your family doctor.

So, I always suggest applying moisturizer after using baking soda to prevent dryness. The ringworm fungus thrives in warm, moist environments. Place raw garlic in a blender and create a paste that can address ringworm-affected skin. It clears the fluid in the blisters and dries out them along with soothing the affected skin to get rid of the pain and inflammation.Eczema is defined as a recurring skin inflammation that caused due to dry, itchy and sensitive skin, allergies, stress, irritants, etc. It causes itchy rashes and red ring-like patches on the affected skin areas. Baking soda has antifungal and antiseptic properties that fight against the fungus causing ringworm … Filled with anti-fungal compounds, drink the ginger tea three times a day. © Copyright 2016 - Grandmas Home Remedies Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you even suffering from this redness then stop using baking soda and follow other natural remedies like applying cold compress on the rashes or taking an oatmeal bath, dab some calamine lotion and aloe vera gel and sleep with a humidifier to get rid of the problem.I have suffering from body itching for like 8 years now Can baking soda help me cure itYes, it can be helpful. Repeat the process three times per day for three days or until your athlete’s foot symptoms disappear.Dry up ringworm blisters on your feet by applying a cold compress to affected skin for 15 to 20 minutes.

Rub ringworm patches with the lime – it will tingle. Eczema. This remedy will have a drying effect on the rash.Add enough warm water to a small amount of turmeric to make a paste that topically treats infected skin. In medical circles, the term ‘tinea’ is used to refer to ringworm – followed by a further explanation of the infection. It also dries out the rashes to get rid of it.Poison oak or poison ivy appears as small bumps, itchy and painful rashes that can spread to other parts if you’re scratching the affected area. This problem is most commonly faced by the people those who live in hot and humid climates.Baking soda is alkaline in nature that gently cleanses and exfoliates the skin with its gritty texture to unclog the pores and removes the trapped sweat.

The anus may also itch in some cases.Ringworm of the feet can cause itching, stinging and burning between the toes and/or soles of the feet.

Chickenpox is another form of rashes that occur on the skin due to varicella-zoster virus.

Bed bug bites make you restless nights and the most exposed body parts are the face, neck, arms, and hands for these bug bites.Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate helps to neutralize the acidic nature or chemical reaction causing itching from the bug bites.