Specimens of different sizes have been found.Adults can measure between two and four inches (5-10cm). bigger than males by around a third.It’s the body of the Kenyan sand boa which makes it big, The average Western hognose lives eight to 10 years.Western hognose are a bigger commitment than a garter snake, says Hoefer, and they can have unusual hissing and striking behavior that may scare a younger child. The biggest ever found was six feet long, which is a solidly medium-sized snake. These snakes are somewhat heavy-bodied, so they can reach 800g in weight.Because there are many different species of garter snake, I hope this clears any remaining doubt in your mind.This is the most basic but, at the same time, the most significant advantage of pet snakes.You obviously cannot house a snake who has temperamental issues and are aggressive or poisonous.

Certain subspecies are I find bigger snakes rather daunting, so I have done some research on snakes that stay on the smaller side and which breeds are the best to consider! black spots. He loves working out and beat everyone at games. Traditionally you’ll find this snake in shades of brown, beige, white, and black, with spots and saddle patterns, but numerous color schemes … growing to do before they reach full size. In addition, they urinate and defecate infrequently, and they are easy to clean up after. On average, they reach between 2 and 6ft long. dog-snake-avoidance Staying Out of Trouble. Small snakes that stay small are so much easier to handle safely and care for as pets. With that sorted out, here are 7 of the best pet snakes that stay small and make amazing pets: Milk Snake . When you hear the word ‘snake’, you might think of boa constrictors, colossal anacondas and fearsome cobras popping out of sand dunes. While some of these more complex designer morphs can be expensive, the majority are affordable for first-time buyers.Variable! But they’re difficult to care for, and may randomly choose not to eat.This snake is the first in our list that you can start talking about its length in feet.

While large snakes can make impressive pets, most people do not have enough space for 6- or 8-foot-long ones. The longest ever found was 66cm/26in. Snakes are virtually odor free, because they are so easy to clean up after: they defecate and urinate infrequently, and in controlled areas.Smaller snakes are easier to care for, even if you only don’t have much space at home, and even if you’re inexperienced in animal husbandry. You can hold this They are a genus, which is a grouping of animals “Most milk snakes are squirmy when held, but rarely bite once they have become used to handling.”Actually, milk and king snakes (another on our list) are related species, both being of the genus “These snakes will ‘musk,’ or give off a noxious odor from the scent glands, when frightened or stressed, but with gentle handling this can be reduced or eliminated,” saod Hoefer.Thanks to selective breeding, the corn snake can be bred into virtually any color to satisfy the preference of the buyer (although their natural color is primarily shades of orange with a saddle-like pattern outlined in black and white), and they only reach an average three to five feet in length.“Corn snakes are not usually fast-moving snakes and they handle very well,” said Spinner. Newspaper, paper towels or aspen bedding make for adequate substrates, though you can buy more specialist materials from pet stores.Make sure your rosy boa’s enclosure is sealed and escape proof, as they are even better escape artists than many other snakes! Many will often take fresh raw chicken right out of the package.”Hoefer also describes this type of snake as one that tends to be docile and generally easy to handle, making them a good choice for families. between 9 and 27g.

It’s a different color to the rest of the snake’s back, ranging from cream They are affordable, typically costing $30-40 as hatchlings, and can be purchased from reptile stores, online or at reptile shows. They have brown stripes running across their backs on a dark gray background, with a light gray underbelly. This may seem long, but for a snake, it’s not.It’s slender for its length. Wild corn snakes are known to be good climbers and will even manage to get up small trees, so providing rocks and logs is a great way to keep your corn snake happy whilst he is in his tank/vivarium. The most popular varieties are the striped or banded California king snakes, but there are many others available!Scarlet Kingsnake—typically these snakes grow to 16-20 inches / 40-50cm, and weigh between 50 and 70g.The same goes for the California king snake—it comes with many different subspecies, with different color and pattern variations. His first snake, a California kingsnake, was purchased at the Pet Place in Westminster, CA for $5.