Some people believe that when a bird is flying against the wind, it is a sign that you may have a friend in your life that doesn’t entirely have your best interest at heart. A bird usually symbolizes the messenger. (See Psalm 102: 5.) One was sent to guard the body of St. Vincent Ferrer; and ravens are known to have fed at least three different saints (St. Benedict, St. Anthony the Abbot, and St. Paul the Hermit) while they were in the desert. A bird flying straight towards you means that improvements in your life will come quickly.

I found this 19th Century article on the birds of the Bible charming. Some birds are used as examples of specific virtues or attributes of the Christian soul (or their opposite: the vices), while others represent Our Lord (i.e., the pelican), Our Lady, and the saints.There is a legend that the robin received his red breast as a reward for protecting the Christ Child from the sparks of a fire, which he caught on his breast, while the Holy Family rested on their flight into Egypt.The peacock is used to symbolize immortality – this from an ancient legendary belief that the flesh of the peacock did not decay. Below is a list of all Bird Symbolism & Meanings articles. It is also used in connection with St. Benedict, St. Scholastica, and St. Gregory the Great.The eagle, like the phoenix (which also stands for faith and constancy), is a symbol of the Resurrection based on an ancient belief that the eagle would renew its youth and plumage by flying near the sun and then plunging into water.

Green-colored birds mean that adventure is in your future. Spiritual Meaning Of Birds Hitting Window – The spiritual world is constantly trying to warn us or send us messages of guidance. The Spiritual Meaning Of Birds Hitting Window. The different kinds of birds that you see are associated with various meanings.

It is sometimes used in images of St. Martin of Tours, because one of them showed the people of Tours where he was hiding when they wanted to make him bishop.The lark is a symbol of the humility of the priesthood, because this bird flies high and sings only when in flight towards Heaven.The owl, in one sense represents Satan, the Prince of Darkness; and in another sense, it is an attribute of Our Lord, Who came to “give light to them that sit in darkness…” (Luke 1: 79).The partridge likewise has two meanings. A symbol for progress towards wholeness and harmony. Orange birds symbolize excitement and bliss. Birds are flying on the sky, which can be a symbol of our strength to rise over the problems that we have in our real life. Ravens usually send a strong negative message and they are usually symbols of something bad that is about to happen. Once, while Saint Benedict was praying, the devil tried to distract him, appearing as a blackbird. Generally this will mean abundance, peace, good tidings and sometimes success and rewards.

Before I knew it, both my yard and the neighbors yard were covered. Yellow birds mean you should keep your guard up. Green-colored birds mean that adventure is in your future. From the spiritual perspective, as the warmest color of the spectrum of light, yellow is connected with the sun and gold, two symbols of … Biblical Meaning of Birds. Birds in dreams are symbols for transcendence and liberation. When depicted with Our Lord as a child, the goldfinch associates the Incarnation with the Passion.Saint Peter is easily spotted  when portrayed with a cock; but, especially in Maronite art, the rooster is the symbol of the soul’s awakening and response to God’s grace.The goose represents providence and vigilance. The Roman Catacomb of San Callisto contains a vault, in which Mass could be celebrated, with representations of the peacock decorating it. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the «Ad Rem» A Fortnightly Email Message from the PriorSomething brief on this subject: "Saint Augustine on Prayer" The Church's 'Doctor of Grace' and one of the four great Latin Fathers: Saint Augustine (430) The mask is a sacramental of the Church of Coronavirus Hysteria (, Inc.), a very conformist sect. In general, birds have long symbolized the soul’s ascent to God above material things. When a bird lands and takes off several times (or is flying erratically), you may want to check your life for any hidden problems.

Birds that fly left to right sometimes signify an impending delay or obstacle in your life.