Females are plain brown, darkest on the wings and tail. Great horned owl. Blue Jays reside over a very large area of the eastern side of North America from Newfoundland in the northeast to Florida in the southeast and westward to Texas and the mid-west and eastern Colorado in the north. Winter birds … Immature birds look like washed out, lighter-brown versions of the females.Brewer’s Blackbirds feed on open ground or underfoot in parks and busy streets. What bird has a grey body, black head, and a white ring around its neck? In flight, look for the light band at the end of the tail.Adults have delicate pink-purple underparts, visible at close range.

Bird Id - Bird Identification by colour, size etc ... select the Tail Length - short = not much tail / medium = 50% body length / long = body length or longer Beak Shape: General Curved Hooked Spatulate Special Not Selected.

Eyes are red. Gray Heron: Large wading bird, upperparts are pale gray to blue-gray, underparts are white. Also has a really long beak? Lower face and front of neck are white; black cap extends below eye. Bill is yellow with a dark tip.

Some show metallic greenish sheen on the back in the right light.

Green and brown head White speckles on head Gray feathers. The wings are unmarked pale gray with dark wingtips noticeable in flight. Their call is a slow one- or two-syllable coo, sounding somewhat owl-like.Band-tailed Pigeons live in mature coniferous forests in Western mountains, damp forests of the West Coast, and conifer-oak woodlands. Females are plain brown, darkest on the wings and tail, with a dark eye, though some females have a pale eye. Forages primarily on waste grain and grass seeds during winter, but prioritizes insects and other invertebrates during the breeding season. Western Grebe: Large, long-necked grebe with dark gray upperparts, white underparts, gray sides and flanks. Head is white with a large blue-black eyebrow and long black crest.

Bill is long, thin, and dull olive-yellow.

A bird to be seen in the full sun, the male Brewer’s Blackbird is a glossy, almost liquid combination of black, midnight blue, and metallic green. Bigger bird Predator Red tail. White crescent on back of neck and pale tip to tail are distinctive.Large pigeon with small head and long tail. Yellow legs … Band-tailed Pigeons are large, stocky pigeons with small heads, long, rounded tails, and thick-based, pointed wings.Slightly larger than a Rock Pigeon; smaller than an American Crow.They are soft blue-gray above and purplish-gray below, with a white crescent on the back of the neck. The upper half of the tail is gray, fading to a pale gray band at the tip. Even though this species dives for its food, you can find it in shallow wetlands such as beaver swamps, ponds, and bays. The beak is yellow, long, and and tapers to a point. Females are a staid brown, without the male’s bright eye or the female Red-winged Blackbird’s streaks. Large flight feathers are dark gray-blue. The bird has an off-white underside, with a black collar around the neck and sides of the head and a white face. Juvenile is gray-brown above, buff below with gray-brown streaks. ... Black head White ring around neck White speckled back.

At distance, look for this species’ distinctive, peaked head to help you identify it. Bill is long, thin, and dull olive-yellow. Medium tail. They typically travel and feed in flocks of dozens to hundreds of individuals. This video has no audio. Sometimes visits feeders for seeds.A relatively quiet pigeon of oak woodlands and evergreen forests. Often found in flocks; forages in trees for many kinds of fruits and nuts including berries, acorns, and pine nuts.Forms large flocks of up to 300. A sociable bird with a mellow coo, it forms large flocks in mountain forests where it feeds on seeds and fruits. Males glossy black with a piercing yellow eye and a purple iridescence on the head grading to blue-green iridescence on the body depending on lighting conditions. Back of neck is black.