3 months ago. Character Bio: Near the very end of their life or death encounter, Yhwach is momentarily stopped by an arrow shot by Uryu, giving Ichigo the chance to strike Yhwach with Tensa Zangetsu. I see what you're doing Klab. I tried tt yama on 2nd...what a fail it wasAccessories and senkaizen links are key especially if you don't have the perfect character. I am getting shafted since CFYOW banners...4.5k orbs...szayl and all the fillers...3k orbs...nnoitora only....1.5k orbs...ganryu only...1k orbs on zommari banner...nothingReading your comments: Did you buy Soul Tickets using orbs?Now i am trying ordeals...cleared floor 1 with tt renji at 2:59...lol....any tips for upcoming floors? I tried tt yama on 2nd...what a fail it wasAccessories and senkaizen links are key especially if you don't have the perfect character. Warrior's Path Self Submission Guide Floors 30-50. I did 50 with Kensei 0/0/0 chappy, nad item, and I think robe? Character Bio: Captain of Squad 11. 12. Warrior's path for new players.

What's happening at the end of the month, eh, Klab?guys i want that white ichigo(it will be new for me) and that kisuke (i am fan of him & need to unlock his slot) i have 4/5 luppi which makes my first 5/5 if i got him/her (whatever it gender idk) that ikkaku... pass him so what do u think should i pull this summon or pass ?New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castWelcome to the Bleach: Brave Souls community.

u/Mparth35. While we have no affiliation with KLab, we offer one of … I am getting shafted since CFYOW banners...4.5k orbs...szayl and all the fillers...3k orbs...nnoitora only....1.5k orbs...ganryu only...1k orbs on zommari banner...nothingReading your comments: Did you buy Soul Tickets using orbs?Now i am trying ordeals...cleared floor 1 with tt renji at 2:59...lol....any tips for upcoming floors? --Barbarian: Posseses extraordinary strength and fighting abilities, they tend to smash enemies into pieces with whirlwind - … Close. Yama can do floor 2, keep trying.There is a butterfly senkaimon guide on the Reddit, just type that in, you will at least get an overview of what units are good or suited for each tower of.ordeals floorFor floor 1, isn't that bad , it's easy for TT renji, floor 2 i used heart kaname, floor 3, speed halibelThat's a significant amount of luck to have pulled all the characters necessary to complete the Tower.

EPIC SPECIAL MOVES Unleash each Bleach character's unique special moves to carve your way to victory. We are home of news, updates, discussion, information, and more pertaining to the mobile game! She explores the seashore in a lemon-yellow bathing … You're trying to trick me aren't you? The only problem is clearing 46-50 under 1 minute.I started to play on the 4 anniversary, i didnt had the characters for that 4 anniv tower, and now i already cleared it twiceFor having started only a month ago, you really lucked out with the right characters to clear warrior's path. While we have no affiliation with KLab, we offer one of … The Tower of Ordeals no longer requires you to complete the Tower of Forging to unlock. #bleachbravesoulslivestream Warrior Path - Stormbringers

Kenpachi possesses brutal power and his immense Spiritual Pressure flows like a torrent of magma. [Choose Your Career] Before starting this epic fight, which type of warrior do you want to be? Yama can do floor 2, keep trying.There is a butterfly senkaimon guide on the Reddit, just type that in, you will at least get an overview of what units are good or suited for each tower of.ordeals floorFor floor 1, isn't that bad , it's easy for TT renji, floor 2 i used heart kaname, floor 3, speed halibelThat's a significant amount of luck to have pulled all the characters necessary to complete the Tower. TYBW Ichi’s is easy.I tried no luck...need more gud accessories. Though I will say reading the comments you have definitely overplayed your account to have run out of orb sources already.I don't regret using all of my orbs early...TYBW and CFYOW....these were d best spots to invest my orbs...thats what i feel....and it really paid off...now i can get warrior's path max rewards everytime atleastSorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it.It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castWelcome to the Bleach: Brave Souls community. EDIT: Double checked, it says in the news that we will choose between them, so I guess two towers only.Considering the rewards in Tower of Forging and Warrior's Path are virtually the same (barring the new ticket), they'll probably be mutually exclusive.Help me out here, I just want to be sure: I saved senkaimon medals for the new senkaimon character, but since he’s obtainable through ticket, do you guys think I shoul buy 6 stars tickets with the medals?I know the chance would've been low, but I would've saved it until the mid-month so the 6* pool includes the new units.Yeah, spend them, no reason to keep them now that we know Zangetsu comes from a ticket reward.So it is same reward but plus 6 zangetsu ticket so warrior path give better reward then tof ?I didn't understand it until now, I didn't expect this choice to be one-time.

The Warrior's Path: Stage 32 Bleach: Brave Souls Ichigo The Bond Ver. Have you tried clearing the last five floors within a minute? General Guide Quests. This guide is based on TheTaskAtHand’s video. TYBW Ichi’s is easy.I tried no luck...need more gud accessories. Can you clear tower ordeals door 20 with that ichigoRemember we get ordeals2 next month, although he is still the only power hollow with SR killer so maybe needed anywaysIt is easier now with transcendence if you have tla shinji.I need that white, but I know damn well it’ll end the same way it did with red aizen. Guide.

I think you could easily do it with 46 with Lisa, and maybe 50 with Kensei.He could definitely do it with Lisa and Kensei.

WTF I dont even have that many character to clear it after 1 year..You should though ... Get 3 Senkaizens and the warrior path become much easier.
