Chipmunks can become pests in residential areas in the following ways:1) Their extensive burrows, often under patio slabs, foundations, concrete steps, stone walls, or sheds are unsightly and can result in collapse of the slab or wall2) They can make a mess in a garden by digging up garden seeds and flower bulbs, and feeding  on berries and other fruits3) They raid bird feeders and pet food left outsideChipmunks are members of the squirrel family which means they are also rodents but, unlike tree squirrels, chipmunks are smaller ground dwellers. 0 3 1. And if you have pet food or bird seed in close proximity to where this is happening or even on your property, I would feel a rat or mouse is even more likely to be the culprit. A solid concrete slab isn’t susceptible to their burrowing, but aging, weak and crumbling concrete is no match for determined rodents.

Chipmunks do not chew wood, so they are not a hazard to trees, porch posts or walls; only their burrowing causes damage. You don’t mention where the hole is being chewed so it’s hard for me to narrow down the options. Whats the best way to get rid of them? The Oregon State University Extension considers at least one species--Tamias townsendii--to be beneficial to woodland ecosystems. So, fences aren’t 100% effective, but they can work if done right. Populations as high as 10 chipmunks per acre are possible if sufficient food and cover are available. If you think you may have rats, they'll leave signs you can look for to be sure. It has a hairy 3-4 inch long tail that it carries upright when it runs. If the animal is nesting under the hole somewhere in the ground or a wall or some other space, it will simply find another place to chew through and you may not know where this new location is or it may not be as accessible as the one you know it liked to use.

What do you think it is.Its not possible to say for sure given the limited information you provided. There are many animals that can dig long burrows under cement. How to Eradicate Rodent Invaders There is no food available for them. For this reason I’m not convinced you have “solved” anything at this time…The reason why it can make it worse is because it’s not likely the animal will just move away after the hole is sealed. The most common include rats and mice. In a word…yes.

You see, when you have an exact location where such activity is present, dealing with the invader is easier since you know where it’s most active. The burrowing activity of chipmunks (and ground squirrels) can undermine foundations, sidewalks, concrete patios, driveways, retaining walls, etc. Sometimes those pouches are full of soil that they have cleared out of their burrows under your sidewalk! Chipmunks are solitary, living in separate dens. Chances are that’s happening right now since rats don’t plan their litters based on the season.There are holes along side my driveway all the way along into the concrete and dirt. A. Over the years I’ve seen rats, mice, raccoon, opossum, shrews, voles, moles, chipmunks, ground hogs, muskrat, otter and skunk chew through cement or forms thereof.

For now, I would watch the area closely and if it’s out of the home, somewhere out in the yard, you could probably leave it sealed and hope the unwanted visitor just relocates. Yes, chipmunks are cute but if your wife had any idea of the damage just one chipmunk can do when denning under a slab, she might not feel so kindly towards that adorable burrower. Login to reply the answers Post; Anonymous. 1 decade ago. By opening it back up, you could then identify something this animal wants to eat and once that’s been established, you could then use a trap to catch it. Again, knowing where it’s active and what it likes to eat are the two most important things when trying to trap any animal. They have fast growing teeth and like to trim them down by gnawing on most anything hard. Rodents can also ruin concrete by chewing through it. I also know that just sealing the hole rarely does anything and in fact can make the problem worse. Experts suggest installing tall fences deep in the ground. Chipmunks are cute; there’s no denying that.

They rarely travel more than 75 yards from their den. Chipmunks are known to be good diggers, but they are also good climbers. Sometimes those pouches are full of soil that they have cleared out of their burrows under your sidewalk! They plug their burrow entrances during cold weather and live on food cached inside. I never knew chipmunks to eat concrete. Copyright © 2020 Colonial Pest Control, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Over the years I’ve seen rats, mice, raccoon, opossum, shrews, voles, moles, chipmunks, ground hogs, muskrat, otter and skunk chew through cement or forms thereof.