Fish and Wildlife Service is actively cooperating with state and federal wildlife agencies and livestock producers to identify and implement workable solutions for vulture … They are pretty harmless, although they have a eerie way about them. Why do you want to shoot a vulture. Turkey vultures are mild-mannered and timid, the expert explained, and tend to scavenge on dead animals and roadkill. The Turkey Vulture is a common raptor in North America and Europe. However, a permit is not necessary to “harass” or otherwise disperse or discourage vultures from using areas where they may be a potential threat to livestock.If you have a question about obtaining a depredation permit in the Southeast, please contact U.S. The U.S. gun?

Black vultures are not the same as a turkey vulture, sometimes called a turkey buzzard, Gehrt said. COOPERSVILLE, MI — Motorists who keep their eyes peeled can be treated to a colony of Turkey Vultures near the I-96 corridor in Coopersville.The birds, which have a wingspan of about 6 feet, can make quite a sight riding thermals. But BB guns are quiet ; ) I just wouldnt post it on your Face book

Turkey Vultures are scavengers, they eat roadkill. I'm sure your dogs will get used to them in time.My daughter had a hurt turkey vulture on her farm stinky stinky bird, she fed it deer meat till it got better and it flew away after about 2 weeks, it still comes to the barn now and then to see if she will feed it. But, they are generally harmless unless you have a weak, sick, or dead animal around. Vultures May 13, 2016 Information for Producers Experiencing Livestock Depredation by Vultures. The Turkey Vulture, also known as the Turkey Buzzard can be found in areas ranging from southern Canada to the southern most tip of South America. Turkey vultures appear black from a distance but up close are MLive multimedia specialist Cory Morse documented the birds, while safely parked on a residential street near the highway, on Wednesday, Aug. 9.The vultures can commonly be seen perched on a tower along I-96 near the "Currently, there are no threats to populations of this species. I'm sure your dogs will get used to them in time.
We usually process permit applications within 1-2 days of receipt and can email permits to applicants allowing permitting activities to be conducted immediately.Because both Black and Turkey vultures are federally protected migratory birds, a federal authorization (permit) is necessary to legally “take” them. You can buy plastic bird spikes that you mount to chimney s, ledges etc.... To keep birds from landing on it. This bird is a scavenger that feeds on road kill. In Michigan it is allowable to shoot some preditors if they are causing property damage on personal property out of season. Fish and Wildlife Staff: Yes, they are protected. If you're in the south or east and have black vultures, they may go after newborn calves and lambs, though.

And did not kill it just a sting. If Turkey Vultures are a real problem for you then you can apply for a federal permit. Fish and Wildlife Service is the federal agency responsible for issuing permits that authorize take of depredating vultures.We coordinate closely with USDA Wildlife Services in expediting permit requests pertaining to vulture depredation on livestock. They are not common in forested areas." But, they are generally harmless unless you have a weak, sick, or dead animal around. Are Turkey Vultures protected? Cleaning up dead stuff. Swarming around in a cluster in the morning or evening, you may see them one day and then gone the next, if the group is migrating further.

For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The U.S. As far as I am aware, they wont go after healthy animals. In this case, the black vultures kill an animal and the turkey vultures stick around to clean up the carnage. Even crows are protected. ... “You can’t just take a gun and shoot them without a special permit,” he said.
It can also be referred to as the Carrion Crow. If a depredation permit is recommended, USDA Wildlife Services will provide the producer with a depredation application or a The U.S. You'll watch as turkey vultures congregated, soar, float, and sun here in incredible numbers. In the interim, we offer some immediate guidance below in directing producers to wildlife professionals who can assist in addressing problems or concerns involving depredating vultures or in obtaining a federal permit to “take” depredating vultures.USDA Wildlife Services is the first point of contact for producers needing assistance in obtaining a federal depredation permit to “take” vultures. According to the Blandford Nature Center, of the 23 species of vultures in the world, the turkey vulture is the only kind that can be found in Michigan.

Location: Northern Michigan Posts: 95 3 Filter by User: Turkey Vulture Nuisance Depending upon State laws and ethics. Whereas turkey vultures feed primarily on carcasses of already dead animals, black vultures have been reported by farmers as killing young livestock. Even crows are protected. Why do you want to shoot a vulture.