You are at this stage requested to not to touch or move the bowl at all. Divination by dripping hot wax in water is called Ceromancy or Ceroscopy.The way that a candle deconstructs as it melts can be extremely significant. For an accurate and precis candle wax prediction, you must first sit quietly with your thoughts and meditate on the question that you seek an answer for. This method is best used with smaller votive candles that will melt fairly easily.The most popular form of divination in Poland is pouring hot wax onto cold water. There are no right or wrong ways to interpret the candle wax… have some fun with it!Once you read the wax in the bowl and it is fully cooled, pick it up. The art of reading a candle’s melted and hardened wax is called Carromancy.

It is a method of spiritual communication letting you know that your request has been received and your prayers have been heard.Another way to observe and identify the messages from the candle’s wax is by tipping the candle over a shallow bowl of water and letting some of the wax pour into the water. You will get your answer if you really look and put these shapes together.If you use a clear bowl for your wax divination, you can place an astrological chart at the bottom of the bowl to give you a quick reference as to what house or part of the querent’s life the symbol floats. You may want to consider performing an uncrossing ritual to counter the negativity.Any white soot left on the glass is a positive message from the spirits. Place the scrying bowl in front of you in whatever place and position you are sitting at.Now, to start with the accurate and good psychic candle readings, light the candle wick by carefully holding the candle in your hand over the scyring bowl so as to allow the candle wax to drip in the water in the bowl and form images. Allow your intuitive self to form impressions about the various wax formations.

Then pour the melted wax into the bowl.Do your best to be confident in your findings. It can be said that this partner is the more eager of the two to get married and may dominate the other after the marriage ceremony has been performed.Novena or glass candles are often used in Hoodoo spellwork. A form of a lion reflected in the wall. To me I take it as a successful spellLast night i burned a small red candle dresses for reversal curses and spells the wax melted in a shape of a woman holding something what do that mean I think it's time to go shopping! Also, carefully look and observe the images formed to see if there is any complete picture is forming with the wax drippings. It may appear like a piece of abstract artwork that speaks to you. You’ll be amazed at what happens.An alternative method is to melt the candle completely and pour it into a bowl of ice water.
The first is to examine and interpret the natural forms left after your candle has burned. Pour the molten wax flow from the lit candle while you ask the question.Find your patience and let the candle get a nice pool of wax rather than a few drips.
After a minute or two, a definitive shape will appear on the water. The way the wax pools when the candle burns down, the way it drips on the sides of the candle, or if the wax “drowns” the wick all have meaning.During the burning process, the wax melts and forms images.

When you drip candle wax in water, it hardens and forms images. You can also magically charge your bowl of water with three drops of the same oil with which you anointed the candle.Light the candle wick. Candle Wax Reading, also known as Ceromancy or Wax Reading, is a type of prediction in which candles burned on an altar during worship, spell-casting wih candles, or divination are interpreted for clients by the way that they burn, the shapes that wax makes as it pools and runs, and how the spent vigil glass appears during and after the candle burning. Write your question down on a piece of paper or notepad.Fill your scrying dish with clear water. A second ritual may need to be conducted to fully resolve any lingering issues. Those who find it impossible to get a proper key sometimes cut a shape of a key out of hard cardboard.You can also melt crayon wax and use that instead. A circle could indicate the end of a cycle, such as a completed project. For an accurate candle wax predictions, there is a need to understand what the abstract and unique piece of wax drippings are trying to tell about the future or related to the question. Start with your own intuition and experience before looking up a symbol.Mine is in the shape of a dragon with wings, what does this mean? For the same curiosity, in the recent past a lot of practices and sciences have developed that are working to predict and foretell a person’s future life and upcoming important events. These images can be decoded and clarified, similar to the art of reading tea leaves.A candle wax reading is similar to reading tea leaves, but instead of reading symbols and messages formed by wet tea leaves inside your teacup, it’s the candle drippings formed in water that we interpret.