This is a quick overview of issues.

Keeping your Chinese cresteds skin moisturized by making sure they have enough water and applying a layer of moisturizer like, Famous Dry Skin Moisturizer on a everyday to every other day basis.

In the summer, especially with pink or light skinned cresteds should have a layer of sunscreen on if they're going to be outside for an extended period of time. does anybody know?....or know how to take care of there skin…

Condition with moisturizers, but beware of scented products that could produce allergic reactions.

They do not need to be in clothes inside the home. Feeding them a grain free diet, that contains very little grease or oil. That causes discomfort and even cracking and bleeding. There isnt anything in the bumps when I squeeze them and they dont look like pimples or blackheads.

Without a hair growing to empty the oil gland the duct often becomes plugged and whiteheads and blackheads are …

The exposed skin is prone to rashes and other conditions, so owners must take precautions and know how to treat skin outbreaks.Chinese crested dogs are primarily hairless, with tufts of hair on the head, tail, feet and sometimes elsewhere.

Unfortunately Chinese cresteds can be prone to skin issues. The hairless have their skin exposed regularly to the elements. As the hair grows it is covered in oil thereby keeping it healthy and emptying the oil gland.

Hairless Chinese Crested dogs are sometimes presented to the veterinarian with a complaint of “bumps all over the body” with white-heads and/or black-heads.

Calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream may help, but check with your veterinarian before using.These dogs can develop heat rash along with a variety of other conditions that can appear to be heat rash. I have a chinese crested with extreme skin issues. Most normal dogs have a hair follicle associated with an oil gland. Most of us breeders try our best to breed good skin, but bad skin can always pop up in anyone's breeding program.

A dog's normal body temperature is around 102.

Many things you read will say hairless cresteds aren't prone to fleas because they don't have a lot of places to hide, but that is completely untrue. If your crested has clothing on most of the time this can be causing their skin to back up with oils and dirt and cause zits.

There will be a more in depth blog written on this topic.

Make sure your dog is protected against flea and ticks!Please note, comments must be approved before they are published If you dress your crested, change and wash clothes everyday like you would do for yourself. The powderpuffs are identical in type to their hairless brothers, except for the hair, and they are needed in breeding programs to continue the breed.If your Chinese crested shows signs of heat rash -- bumps on the skin, red blotches, pus-filled blotches or itchiness -- take quick action to help relieve the condition. Just like a person who gets a zit under a spot where a piece of clothing often sits. Additionally, some members of this breed are covered in hair, known as the powderpuff crested. If your Chinese crested shows signs of heat rash -- bumps on the skin, red blotches, pus-filled blotches or itchiness -- take quick action to help relieve the condition. Sandpaper bumps - posted in Chinese Crested Skin Care & Grooming: Hi- This is my first post but Ive been struggling with this for a while. If you apply sunscreen make sure to bath them often as it can cause acne issues. In the winter be careful with chafing and dressing your crested up can cause chafing in the armpits and other places the clothes can rub on them. In the summer, especially with pink or light skinned cresteds should have a layer of sunscreen on if they're going to be outside for an extended period of time. i have a hairless chinese crested dog.

The lesions are a genetic abnormality in which they develop cystic hair follicles that result in comedones (black heads) and inflamed nodules that can become secondarily infected. A final thing that can cause pimples is clothing.

Let your crested's skin breathe. Both the Powderpuff and the Hairless variety are prone to acne, but more so for the hairless.

Chinese Cresteds are prone to a wool allergy. Areas of expertise include education, health care and pets. Dogs with rashes and allergies are hard to ignore. Your veterinarian may recommend medication to help with itching and rashes, but the most effective treatment is prevention. He has been put on medicated shampoo, changed to a all natural diet, had multiples skin scrapes & blood work (no disease) and is currently on antibiotics but he has a raised red itchy rash all down his back that is growing every day. For an acne prone crested I would Bath the dog at least once a week.

When they exercise, go outdoors, do day to day activities,  their skin can lose a lot of surface maoisture and become dry and chafed. Keeping your Chinese cresteds skin moisturized by making sure they have enough water and applying a layer of moisturizer like, Famous Dry Skin Moisturizer on a everyday to every other day basis. Both of them have developed very tiny raised bumps on their necks.

A great skin care system like, Famous Acne Kit helps kill the bacteria that causes acne, will keep the skin moisture balanced, and keep their skin clean. Chinese crested are usually hairless, but powderpuff cresteds are needed for breeding programs.Chinese crested dogs are exotic and cuddly, drawing attention wherever they go.

You can treat by cooling down the dog, perhaps with a cool bath, or by wiping the dog down … I have two 3 year old hairy hairless CCs. Also remember even if it's an overcast day they can still burn! Putting clothes on them can also cause issues, because they get too warm and dirt can get trapped against the skin.