You should tip the maids and housekeeping staff each day you stay in the hotel (as well as when you check out).

This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You don't need to tip. During checkout you may see a delivery charge, but this cost doesn't always include a tip for the driver. Do I tip the delivery guy? carry a washing machine down a flight of stairs), a tip is appreciated. But if something was damaged and service was otherwise good, Rachmany suggests contacting the company's claims department for reimbursement rather than withholding a tip.

Personally my feeling is I am not going to get involved in the employment arrangements of others: I am not going to refuse to tip because of how much I paid their employers or worry about if they are contractors or not, nor am I going to be bullied into tipping because their pay sucks. If you don't want to leave a tip, you can put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door, which will stop them from attending your room. But what if a piece of furniture was damaged en route?
Except the delivery guys might not be seeing much of the money, not that I really know. As a general rule of thumb, the vast majority of food delivery drivers say to tip $5 or 20 percent of the order, whatever is higher. They all seemed very grateful.Last time I had furniture delivered, it was a couch and a loveseat and it was literally dropped inside the front door in the living room. That said, he never turned down a tip and it was definitely appreciated. Delivering furniture is a taxing job and the delivers often don't get paid enough for what they deal with. Money well spent.Offer cold drinks. In many cases, that fee is simply there to help defer the cost the restaurant pays to use the aggregate service and does not go into the delivery driver's pocket. So what's the right answer? If so, how much?I've found when I try to tip for that sort of thing I get turned down and end up feeling kind of dumb.

If you're me, it's once or twice a year. Oprah Magazine participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Reward for a job well done.

I'm sure a tip is appreciated, and how much you feel that you should tip is up to you … Jerseygirl states the most important reason: did they half-ass it or did they go the extra mile?

When it comes to tipping for appliance deliveries, there is much debate. That's twenty, thirty bucks.

I'm having a C&B couch and chair delivered to my home this week. You don't need to tip a big amount, but an extra five or ten a person is about right. My question is whether it is a norm to tip furniture delivery guys if you have paid a delivery fee. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at My boyfriend delivered furniture for a while, and he said he never expected a tip unless the job was especially complicated or dangerous or if he was asked to do something against company policy (like rearrange/move furniture not delivered by him.) Just note that sometimes the error is not the fault of the delivery driver. Consider tipping $10 - $20 for appliance deliveries.

In many cases, that fee is simply there to help defer the cost the restaurant pays to use the aggregate service and does not go into the delivery driver's pocket.

I've always tipped for stuff like that. And yes, the driver doesn't get any delivery charge, they still are earning a wage.

If the delivery driver is permitted to accept a tip and service was favorable or they had to go above and beyond (i.e. Delivery drivers we spoke to agree that anywhere between $10-20 per person is suitable.

You don't need to tip.Exactly, Delmoi. If they do really well, ask them for their manager's/corp's contact information so you can call/write to say what a good job they did. If you order through a third-party service, like Seamless, Grub Hub, or Postmates, it's important to familiarize yourself with the policies. In fact, in less expensive hotels, there are often restaurant delivery brochures in guest rooms. Alliance for Lifetime Income You may be able to resolve the issue without leaving the delivery driver high and dry.

"Just like tipping when eating out, a 20 percent tip off of the final bill is the standard rate for the moving industry," says Lior Rachmany, the CEO of 20 percent of the final bill is standard for furniture deliveries.

I paid the furniture store $189 for delivery.

If the delivery drivers were rude and/or ruined your furniture, you are not obligated to tip.