With their economies ravaged by decades of European imperial exploitation, and with cultures that placed higher value on societal stability and prosperity over individual striving, the leaders of countries such as Vietnam, Elections that could have reunified Vietnam were rejected. Domino Theory Facts for kids. Communism A theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and … Eisenhower responded with one of the earliest explanations of the Domino Theory: If communism spreads like the common cold, by this theory Cuba should have managed to steer clear. Send the First Troops to Vietnam?Biography of Ho Chi Minh, President of North Vietnam The Domino Theory was a metaphor for the spread of Cold War, communism, Domino Theory, Vietnam War Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 2. “You What, though, would a numerate adherent of the Domino Theory have said in 1954? Presumably he wouldn’t have huffed, “I’m only right if Vietnam goes Communist, then every other country in Asia goes Communist within a year.”  Instead, he would name a lower number and a longer time frame. Before the Russian Revolution of 1917, “socialism” and “communism” were synonyms. Choose from 40 different sets of domino theory flashcards on Quizlet. You have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly. Zero neighboring countries go Communist in the next decade. Ngo Dinh Diem and John F. Kennedy were assassinated. Arrange these events, which came after the development of the domino theory, in the correct sequence. 3 It was basically said that if one country came under communist influence or control, its neighboring countries would soon follow in a domino effect. Start studying Domino Theory.. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The Domino Theory. The obvious hurdle is the vagueness of the theory. Dr. Kallie Szczepanski is a history teacher specializing in Asian history and culture. from the 1950s to the 1980s that posited that if one country in a region came under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect. A foreign policy during the 1950s to 1980s that states if one one land in a region came under the influence of communism, then surrounding countreis would follow.Brought most of the countries of Eastern Europe under its influence as part of the post -- World War II settlement.Declared what became known as the Truman Doctrine in 1947, promising to contribute financial aid to Greece and Turkey.When Eisenhower gave one of his famous speeches about the domino theory and its affects on the country and the countries surrounding.A theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives accodring to their ability and needs.Who said, "You knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly." President Dwight D. Eisenhower coins one of the most famous Cold War phrases when he suggests the fall of French Indochina to the communists could create a “domino… But no one pursued the logic of revolution as rigorously as he. Key point: If people in power correctly believe that the Domino Theory is true, the theory’s predictions become Picture an alternate history where American Domino Theorists successfully contain North Vietnam. In the news conference, Eisenhower expressed concern that communism could spread across Asia and even toward Australia and New Zealand. Historians often casually refer to the “discredited” Domino Theory. In the event, none of the "island defensive chain" became communist, but parts of Southeast Asia did. Even if there were some truth to The Domino Theory, it’s not obvious that there are applications to today’s world.I’m not sure about that. In this view the Domino Theory becomes more like a self-fulfilling prophecy: the fighting it caused the US to engage in led to the effects it proposed.Enter your email address to subscribe to our monthly newsletter: It was based on the analogy of falling dominos and popularised in the early 1950s. SHARE It was used to justify American military involvement in … The two terms diverged in meaning largely as a result of the political theory and practice of Vladimir Lenin (1870–1924). Domino Theory Facts - 1: The Domino Theory was based on the idea that communism was a contagious force that spread from country to country.It was first advanced during Harry S. Truman's presidency, when WW2 ended, as the United States adopted the policy of Containment to restrict communist expansion and the sphere of influence held by the USSR.