According to BugGuide: “3 (or more) species are introduced N. caledoniae, huttoni, vinitor” which supports our believe that this might be an invasive exotic species. The best treatment is to cut the mustard weed down early in the spring. False chinch bugs are a common nuisance pest in the country, primarily infesting fields and crops. Prevent future problems by eliminating cruciferous weed hosts in January and February. There are a variety of chinch bug species throughout the United States, and they're usually found on dry lawns that get a lot of sun or are suffering from drought. True chinch bug adults are about ⅓" (8½ mm) long, and usually black with white wings (though they change colors several times as nymphs). The damage from feeding takes days to few weeks to appear and can include things like leaf wilting, leaf curling or the appearance of leaf burn.Capability, Shape, Texture/Pattern, Benefits, Dangers False Cinch Bugs fly to their food sources, sometimes miles apart.

False Cinch Bugs Invading backyards and houses: Ground zero= Fouts Homes- Chiles Ranch Development property. False Chinch bugs are less than 1/4 inch long, brownish gray, narrow bodied true bugs. Seedlings might die, but older plants can survive the feedings. The false chinch bug rarely bites and does not carry any disease.

"They can cause a lot of damage to plants and gardens," said Trent English with "We see [False Chinch Bugs] in many locations, so it can seem like a home is getting taken over pretty quick and they feed off weeds, they are notorious for feeding off weeds," explained Knight.English says he's also getting calls about moths and grasshoppers.So far, the grasshoppers are not back with the kinds of numbers seen months ago but other bugs are getting noticed.
Click here for more detailed information, including some control recommendations.

London rocket is a native European weed. If your lawn is looking like a patchwork quilt of green and dead yellow, you may have a chinch bug problem.

False Cinch Bugs prefer to eat alfalfa, radish leaves, and mustard greens, but they will move to other field crops like potatoes and grains once their first food source has been harvested. Since the false chinch bug feeds by sucking sap and moisture out of plants, it is likely that when they show up around homes and other populated areas, it is because their food source has dried up. They are sometimes confused with the beneficial insect bigeyed bugs which have wider flatter heads. It flowers December to May, or all summer and fall in moist soil of cultivated fields.

From our research, we believe they're false chinch bugs, tiny little bugs that might be harmless, but can cover homes. This is a nymph of a bug in the family Lygaeidae, possibly a false chinch bug, Nysius raphanus. This insect is a True bug. These tiny pests are completely harmless to people but they are annoying to have. It is abundant throughout the irrigated lands of Arizona between 100 to 4,500 feet elevations. If they get inside sweep or vacuum them up and dispose of them. LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — A Las Vegas family says their yard and driveway near Rainbow Boulevard and Alta Drive have been taken over by millions of bugs …

It is a prolific seeder.Page created by:Shujuan (Lucy) Li, Dawn Gouge, Shaku Nair, Peter Ellsworth and Gene HallMay 6, 2019 - "Here’s why clusters of these tiny bugs are all around Tucson right now" Updated: 8/23/2019; Authored By Staff Writer; Content © These tiny bugs are called false chinch bugs and although seeing a swarm of them may be scary, there is nothing to worry about.
A Las Vegas family says their yard and driveway near Rainbow Blvd. Must enlarge to see the bug. They are a temporary nuisance but do little or no feeding while clustered and will move away in a short time.Wet winters result in greater weed populations that will lead to larger populations of False Chinch Bugs.These bugs feed on seedlings. They are at worst a temporary irritant and completely harmless. DAMAGE: They feed on weeds of the mustard family such as London Rocket. In various locations in the southern United States, such as Florida, the southern chinch bug (Blissus insularis) becomes a pest in lawns and inside homes. The invasion of insects in the state follows similar events in Las Vegas, Nevada and southern Idaho over recent weeks. False Chinch bugs are less than 1/4 inch long, brownish gray, narrow bodied true bugs. While immature, they have inconspicuous red markings on their body. Recently, millions of small bugs have invaded residential areas in northern Nevada. Tue, Jul 07, 2020. They are sometimes confused with the beneficial insect bigeyed bugs which have wider flatter heads.

They love mustard weed. Authored By Staff Writer; Content ©

While they are a nuisance, if you do encounter them, remember that they move on quickly, they do not harm humans or pets, and they won’t do much damage to your garden. If they do find their way into your home, remember that they are harmless.

Plants may experience some wilting because of their feeding, but the bugs don’t stay in one place very long and many plants don’t show any sign of their presence after they are gone.

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — A Las Vegas family says their yard and driveway near Rainbow Boulevard and Alta Drive have been taken over by millions of bugs and expert says the wet winter and early summer-like heat are to blame.The Vega family provided 13 Investigates video of millions of critters crawling over their yard.Knight says the tiny bugs are harmless to humans but can really swarm in huge numbers leading to a bug nuisance.

Pervasive pests like the False Cinch Bug roam from crop to crop, damaging new leaf growth wherever they land.