She and I are both virgins. Use of systemic or topical estrogen may help relieve some of these symptoms.A polycystic ovary is a common cause of infertility and a If perhaps period is four days past due date, these are a few questions that may concern you.During your period cycle, there is a cyclical change in the texture and volume of discharge from your vagina. Wait till it’s seven days past your period date and check again.Four days missed period is possibly pregnancy.

Hey. Subsequent malnourishment affects normal hormone production and leads to missed periods and other menstrual irregularities. So, if your period doesn’t occur even after a negative result, test again some days later.

Medications, hormone replacement therapy and lifestyle changes like stress reduction, exercise and diet are some of the treatment plans that can be used for dealing with this issue. 10-40 mIU/ml is the sensitivity range of pregnancy tests. Just before period and due to a reduction of progesterone hormone, women have a dry vagina or thick discharge.During ovulation and if you’re pregnant, women have increased If your period is 4 days late and you experience increased vaginal discharge, then it’s likely due to pregnancy.If your period is 4 days late with a negative pregnancy test, it could be due toIf your pregnancy test result is negative 4 days after your period, it may still not be accurate if your body’s pregnancy hormones are still low. I haven’t had a period in 4 months after my miscarriage. Pregnancy. As your body returns to its baseline hormone levels, you may miss your period for a few months.

Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Having a late menstrual period is among the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Many love the pill because it makes their periods so regular. I haven’t had a period in 4 months after my miscarriage.

10% women can have low amounts of hCG when they have missed a period. This tends to only happen when blood sugar levels aren’t managed. But it can sometimes have the opposite effect, especially during the first few months of use.

Med issue? Do you play a sport or dance?
You’re stressed out.

Yes they finally started, :-D 7 days late, periods were normal.

However, if you’ve always had cramps during your period cycle, then it may very well be because of other causes.Period 4 days late and absent pregnancy symptoms is due toDr. Begin counting the cycle from this first day to the 28Contraceptives either in the form of injections, oral or implanted, certain chemotherapy drugs, antipsychotics antidepressants and thyroid medications can all cause amenorrhea in certain women.

You have every right to be confused and upset if you are trying to conceive but keep seeing a negative pregnancy test even when your period gets late. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that produces hormones that help regulate many activities in your body, including your menstrual cycle. Your body’s stress-response system is rooted in a part of your brain called the … Why is my period late? Your period will be late if your ovulation starts late.

Stress can affect your body’s hormones that regulate ovulation and period.

The uterus’s inner lining sheds if the egg remains unfertilized, marking the beginning of the period.

Last month I was realy ill for 2 weeks had high fever, cold and swollen tonsils and so on..... and i was taking alot of paracetamols for the pain and then I was on antibiotics for a week.