It was actually in the Spring, when fisher cats are mating, so I believe it was the mating call of the fisher cat that I heard that night. First a barn owl, then a bobcat, a hare, and a red fox—to which the woman replies, “That’s either a fisher or a red fox.” scrambling to get up, legs numb from being stationary for so long, I had fallen back down into a heap with my flashlight shining around wildly… It would have been an embarrassing sight if anyone would have been around. They are the only animal in Maine besides the Bobcat, which people will say they aren’t in maine because they are not hunters nor trappers, I have personally seen them while trapping and so have many others, but fishers are the only other animal in Maine that will openny attack a human just for being in its “territory.” As a person who has trapped fishers I would rather come across wolves or a bobcat then have a fisher find me at night because it would mean death if not seriously injured.I live in Dedham Mass and the river is directly behind my house.

A Fisher Cat crossed the road directly in front of my vehicle. What else go/can/will they prey upon. It includes a recording of a fisher chattering: youtube video shows a juvenile fisher angrily chastising a dog:And this one shows an adult fisher that has been treed, but it’s not making much noise at all. the last several nights I have heard a very loud sound in the woods behind my house. I’ve heard Fox, porcupine, cat, dog,rabbit, raccoon, eagles, moose,crow, woodchuck, deer, beer, beaver, skunk, name it I’ve heard it. Having no idea what was making this horrific “I’m being murdered” scream, I didn’t know if the horses were safe or not. Sometimes animals can be spotted. once you hear it you will never forget it!Fisher don’t make a noise you can hear at any distance. we have noticed fishers just recently within the passed few weeks. The only reason I noticed it was a twig snapped and I looked behind me. Googled it and blam!! The scream was like it came out of a horror movie.

The really “damned” scary part of the fisher is the reports of their screams while making sweet fisher …

I think we startled it. First was 4:45 am & second following morning 5:05 am. We actually saw the fisher cat near the end of the driveway on th night of May 13th 2014 at 1130 pm.i live in n.h. i have seen a fisher cat screaming. Both times I heard it. I had seen photos of one before, but I couldn’t believe what a stunning animal I was looking at, as it paused before entering the comservation area. My very first time I saw one was in Plymouth in the woods around Manomet. One had also been heard perhaps 6 days earlier in Cobbs Village, by Barnstable Harbor.For the past week we have heard the fisher cat yowling up and down Sullivan rd in West Yarmouth .

i am pretty sure if its a fisher cat it would be the first citing in this part of the state though. My brother and I have both heard this blood chilling scream along the river bed and in the backyard. Super creepy.

Here is a porcupine screaming calling for a mate This is from Carver MA.

It looked like maybe an over grown possum/ferret/raccoon! My neighbors told me there was a fisher cat living in the neighborhood, but there is also a family of red fox (vixen and two kits) living in a den just off the back of our property, so I wasn’t sure which I was hearing every night.

It snarled and let out a weird loud howl/screech and showed these huge teeth teeth similar to a dog but pointer. Ive never heard anything like it before and it was quite unnerving. Sounds of a Fisher Cat Fisher Cat Night Sound Screams of Fisher Cat Crying Fisher Cat Screaming Fisher Cat Screeching Fisher Cat Crying Fisher Cat Yapping Fisher Cat Eerie Fisher Cat Sound ... Fisher vs. Fox - Duration: 4:41.

They are found all over Maryland, and across a large part of the northern hemisphere. My brother works in the woods and hunts has never heard a thing like it either. When I first heard the fisher cat sound, fisher cats were an urban legend around here.

The noise is also similar to that of a Bobcat.

he one today was black and his tail was as long as his body.I am frI’m Oregon and never.

I could not find the source of the scream but could still hear splashing. We were having a fire and four of us were quiet and just relaxing…when one of us said “well time to go in” when all of a sudden we heard the screech and snarl of an animal we had never heard or seen before!

In fact here is a porcupine (just one of the several horrible noises they make) I saw a fishercat here in Maine last winter. I live near a creek, anything possible there?I saw my second sighting of a fisher cat today in the Trail of Tears in Barnstable Conservation near the Chase Road entrance by the power lines.I saw another sighting by the service road in Sandwich. its hard to say because i swear the sound sounds just like the recording that they say is a red fox, and sounds just like the recording that is a fisher. Some had been seen, but none of these sightings had been confirmed There are many videos on Youtube claiming to be a fisher cat call or fisher cats screaming, I know what I heard that night several years ago was a fisher cat scream.