Toutefois la jeune femme refusa considérant que sa place était avec les siens.Gar Saxon était un guerrier Mandalorien brutal, agressif et impitoyable.

LEGO, le logo LEGO, la figurine, DUPLO, LEGENDS OF CHIMA, NINJAGO, BIONICLE, MINDSTORMS et MIXELS sont des marques déposées et/ou sous copyright du Groupe LEGO. In order to support his claim to rule Mandalore, Saxon sought to obtain the Darksaber from Sabine, though he had no right to the ancient weapon.Due to his desire for power and dominance, Saxon was not gracious in conceding defeat. However, Saxon and the remaining Imperial Super Commando caught up with them.

LEGO Commando Droid Minifigure. The super commandos easily outmatched the clones, and as Tano reached a clearing in the ports, attempting to regroup with her forces, the super commandos surrounded her, and Maul emerged from hiding to confront her.However, Tano escaped with the assistance of clone trooper reinforcements, forcing Maul and his forces away. Vous devez être âgé(e) d’au moins 18 ans pour faire des achats en ligne.

Saxon's plan was complicated by the fact that Rau was accompanied by three of his rebel captors: the Mandalorian girl Saxon and his Super Commandos facing Sabine and her rebel companionsSaxon had Ezra brought to an empty hut where he proceeded to interrogate the boy. Toutefois, Ezra utilisa Saxon et ses Super Commandos pourchassent les rebelles.Saxon et ses Super Commandos encerclèrent les trois rebelles à l'extérieur du campement.

Shortly thereafter, another Super Commando entered the hut with Chopper. Vous devez être âgé(e) d’au moins 18 ans pour faire des achats en ligne. However, Ezra used Saxon and his Super Commandos then surrounded the three rebels outside of the encampment. Saxon and his men pursued the rebels through the canyon on their jetpacks.

Reconnaissant la jeune femme, Saxon lui annonça que sa mère avait rejoint l'Empire après la désertion de Sabine. From: US $1.12. Saxon et ses commandos ouvrirent le feu. Il insista également sur le déshonneur provoqué par ses actes.

Quand Saxon s'approcha, elle se moqua de lui avant de demander à Chopper de saturer les hauts-parleurs intégrés des casques des mandaloriens.Tandis que Saxon et ses hommes étaient neutralisés pendant un bref instant, les rebelles s'enfuirent à travers le canyon. L'extermination des Protecteurs fut pour lui une source de fierté et n'hésita pas à se vanter devant les membres de la rébellion. Saxon then attempted to shoot Chopper in order to dig out the droid's memory circuits. Losing patience, Saxon grabbed "Lando" by the throat before hurling him against the wall.

Saxon had an antipathy with Clan Wren and sought to use every opportunity to destroy the rival clan.

Before they could take action, Fenn Rau returned in the Saxon was at the Mandalorian capital city of Sundari when he was contacted by Ursa Wren, the leader of Saxon traveled with a complement of super commandos to the Before the massacre could happen, however, Rau broke into the stronghold, surprising everyone and giving the Jedi their Sabine Wren holding the Darksaber and Ezra's lightsaber at Gar Saxon's throat, but refuses to kill him.With Gar Saxon's death, Rau stated that Mandalore would again dissolve into chaos without the leadership of the Viceroy. Agacé de constater que "Lando" ne possédait pas cette information, il le saisit à la gorge avant de le lancer contre un mur. Saxon enleva alors son casque et se présenta à l'adolescent. Rau suggéra que Sabine prenne la succession de Gar Saxon. Saxon recognized Sabine and claimed that While Saxon and his men were temporarily incapacitated, Sabine and her rebel friends fled into the canyon. She then managed to kill or incapacitate another by blowing up his jetpack.Eventually, Sabine and the rebels reached Saxon's starship. Il ne put commettre son méfait car Ursa Wren l'abattit avant.

During the Clone Wars, Saxon was one of the two-man extraction team that rescued Maul from the Spire on Stygeon Prime and later commanded Maul's ground forces during General Grievous' invasion of the Collective base on Ord …

However, she rejected it, believing that by staying behind with her family she would find the true, capable leader.Gar Saxon was a brutal, ruthless, and aggressive Mandalorian. From: US $1.34. Saxon then removed his red helmet and introduced himself to the boy. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Star Wars Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Cinéma. Après avoir été vaincu sur Mandalore par son ancien maître,Sur Zanbar, Gar Saxon combattit aux côtés des guerriers du Collectif des Ombres au cours de la bataille qui les opposa aux forces du Fenn Rau, chef des Protecteurs et rival de Gar Saxon.Après la dissolution du Collectif de l'Ombre, Gar Saxon rejoignit l'Saxon et ses Super Commandos font face à Sabine et ses compagnons rebelles.Saxon emmena Ezra dans une tente vide afin de procéder à son interrogatoire.

Saxon was a ruthless and impatient interrogator who was not above using violence to extract results.As the Empire's puppet ruler on Mandalore, Saxon sought to root out and punish traitors who defied the Empire. Par respect pour elle, Saxon lui offrit la possibilité de pouvoir rentrer chez elle si elle lui jurait fidélité.

When Sabine defied Mandalorian tradition by sparing his life, Saxon tried to kill her with his blaster but was shot dead by Ursa.Saxon was a ferocious and merciless warrior on the battlefield.