i am certainly going to try it and will save money too. Thanks.grandmapearl - Thanks for stopping by!

Mix olive oil, two to three cloves of garlic, hot sauce, dish soap, lemon juice and water together. Don’t use insecticidal soaps on water-stressed plants or when temperatures are higher than 90 degrees Fahrenheit.Blend together a garlic glove with 2 cups of water. Reading the info that came with them leads me to believe that I can release the 1500 over several days in case they fly away or whatever. Good luck to you, aphids can be quite the pain.We are using ladybugs to wage war with our aphids, but it's a long drawn out battle. This spray saved my pineapple sage and prevented the mites from spreading to any of my other plants. Many of these treatments won’t harm beneficial insects either. You must log in or register to reply here. I´ve heard a lot about the benefits of using garlic in the garden. It's quite new, not all the shops carry it yet, but its been used in Europe for years, so is good.If you own 28 different foods, 65 different additives and 14 jugs of molasses and not one single book on plants, then that is the problem.

Garlic won't alter the flavor of either melons, cucumbers or any veggie for that matter.Very good information that I am going to use. Cayenne works well against insects that feed on plant tissue, such as spider mites, helping to kill any existing mites while deterring future mites from visiting the area.Cayenne's capsaicin kills mites by damaging their nervous system, while garlic oil is lethal to spider mites. Boil 1/2-cup of dried jalapeno peppers and 1/2-cup of dried cayenne peppers in a couple quarts of water. Voted Up, Useful, Shared and Pinned.Voted up and tweeted. I will try your garlic water and pepper in a couple of days when the pepper is ready to pick.besides being economical its non toxic to human, definitely i'll try this in my garden. His articles and advice have appeared in dozens of magazines, including exercise workouts in Shape, relationship guides for Alive and lifestyle tips for Lifehacker. I have already put cow dung, rice ash in soil. thank you! On the upside, I've used garlic water on a variety of house, garden and ornamental plants with no damage at all (other than what the insects had already done). Pair cayenne with jalapeno peppers for a potent punch of capsaicin.

The active sulfur compounds in garlic not only act as a powerful pesticide, they also eliminate fungus and deter grazing vermin. I have also experienced good results due to pungent smell the insects keep away.I have also experienced with tomatoes. Add 6 drops of baby shampoo to 1 gallon of water and stir in 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper powder. Thank you Joe Macho for sharing a fantastic hub.Wow, that's an organic and natural pesticide indeed! WB :50:You should mention that you are reviving a 5+ year old thread. Additionally, this solution only works on contact. When using it, it does not at all smell like bug spray - it actually smells good.

Keep reading to learn how to make and use "garlic tea" to protect your plants.A homemade garlic spray has many uses and can be applied to vegetable, fruit, ornamental, and indoor plants.Use a spray bottle to soak the tops and bottoms of each leaf in the infested area once every week until the problem ceases.When using as a preventative measure, apply the garlic water only once every two weeks or after it rains.Soak the infected soil thoroughly once a week to get rid of fungus gnats and nematodes.Thoroughly apply the solution to plants targeted by mice, rats, rabbits, deer, and elk once every two weeks or after it rains.For prevention against voles, pour a barrier of the solution around your garden plants. I´ll be making it tomorrow. Combine the two for a potent weapon against spider mites on your plants. Re-apply to the soil once every two weeks.The key to using a garlic water solution for plants is to use it in moderation! Capsaicin, the active chemical in cayenne pepper that makes the pepper spicy and hot, is one such alternative. Blend one garlic bulb with a small onion -- the onion acts as an additional insect deterrent. Whisk together until smooth, then place into a covered container for 24 hours. Anyways good find regardless.

I hope it is slug deterrent as well.Great article. Cayenne's capsaicin kills mites by damaging their nervous system, while garlic oil is lethal to spider mites. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and spray the solution on the afflicted plants.Soap's active chemicals strip spider mites of their waxy coating, killing them through dehydration.

Test the homemade spray on the foliage of one plant several days before applying to other plants, to monitor any damage. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Best of all, you'll be able to free your plants of pests without leaving behind harmful chemicals or residues. I realize it still is interesting and important information but it also bumps down threads of people who are in dire need of help. The spray is about the thickness of water and leaves no residue on the plants at all. Simply fill the rest of the bottle up with water 3/4 of the way full. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. While the solution effectively eliminates pesky garden infestations, it can also negatively affect beneficial soil microbes if used too often. Applying an application of garlic water will most likely be very appreciated by your Awabuki plants! While I have followed the medicinal benefits of garlic for all these years, I have never used it in the garden before.

Thanks for the hub and for your added information you posted on the comments.