His eyes are of medium size, with a reddish tint, with a neighboring ring area of silver color.At maturity, a white cloud mountain minnow reaches a maximum length of about 5 cm. The Golden White Cloud is a striking color variation of the White Cloud Mountain Minnow. When they grow a bit bigger, adding tubifex worms in their diet will ensure a healthy growth and an enhancement in their color.If the fry are raised in a large community aquarium, it is recommended that the aquarium had enough underwater bushy plants (like Egeria Densa, Najas Guadalupensis, Tanichthys albonubes is a species of fish that can be easily grown and maintain, recommended to people that are starting to discover the wonders of the home aquatic world. Often, they do not eat fertilized eggs.

White cloud mountain minnows can live with tropical fish if the tank is kept at 72 degrees Fahrenheit—a higher temperature is too warm for them, and a lower temperature is too cold for warm-water fish. Below it, there is another line of dark blue or black, parallel and approximately equal in length. Its swimmers are transparent at the base, with red-gold peaks. It is not advisable to let the aquarium water temperature … The basic requirements for breeding these fish consists of adding a male:female ratio of 1:2, some basic plants that do not require good lighting conditions. White Cloud Mountain Minnows are small, active, colourful fish.Their back is browny-yellow; they have a silvery-blue and golden stripe that runs along the body from its eyes to the tail, and the abdomen is white. For a start, here's your free ebook when you sign up! As female White Clouds mature their bellies fill with eggs and become much larger than the bellies of the male White Clouds. At the base of the tail is a small black dot. TheAquariumGuide is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com There are some colorful varieties of this species of fish, as well as varieties with different sizes of fins and tail. Remove the parents from the aquarium as soon as the eggs have been deposited.If parents are well-fed, they will not eat eggs. The Golden White Cloud is also commonly referred to by tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the Meteor Minnow, Chinese Danio, and “poor mans Neon Tetra “. Among other fish species, suitable to be their aquarium mates, we mention: For keeping white cloud mountain minnows you will need These fish feed on insects, shrimp, Daphnia, tubifex worms, insect larvae; but they can also be fed with food prepared in the form of flakes (commercially fish food for pet shops or flakes that can be made using The male white cloud mountain minnow is slightly thinner and much more colorful than the female. The juvenile is more intense and more spectacularly colorful than adult specimens.Reproduction in captivity of this species of fish is achieved with great ease if minimum conditions are respected, being a very prolific fish.

It has a small head, relative to the rest of the body, and ends with a mouth directed toward the surface of the water. White Cloud Mountain Minnow Tropical Fish Learn all about the White Cloud Mountain Minnow's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Breeding the White Cloud Mountain Minnow Mountain minnows are one of the more simple fish to breed, simply because they will ignore the eggs and generally co-exist with the tiniest fry. The white cloud mountain minnow (Tanichthys albonubes) were first discovered at The white cloud mountain minnow has an elongated body of roughly 4 cm (1,5 in) and a little flattened on the side. The female Mountain Minnow is slightly larger, and has a more rounded abdomen than the male, whereas the male's body is thin and more vibrant in colour. White cloud mountain minnow tankmates may be the following species: black skirt tetra, glowlight tetra, betta fish, dwarf gourami, harlequin rasbora. They can be reproduced in a separate aquarium (usually a small one with a capacity of 10 liters). Its body color is, on the dorsal side, green olive to brown, and the ventral side is white.

White Clouds can live 3 to 5-years and grow to be about 1.5" long. When the fry reach a size of 1 cm they can be fed with regular fish food (powder food is recommended). Average Size. This variety displays a beautiful gold body with red markings toward the tail and on each side of the head. There are some colorful varieties of this species of fish, as well as varieties with different sizes of fins and tail. The Golden White Cloud is a peaceful schooling fish that adds color and energy to the freshwater aquarium. They usually dwell in the top of the middle of the tank and are not seen in the bottom region of the tank. A single female can lay around 130 eggs per month, about 3-5 a day. You can find golden specimens with cream-colored stripes and fish with a vibrant blue stripe. Some of the common varieties of white cloud mountain minnow include.