Try multi-colored spirals (just check the ingredients--most are beet/carrot/spinach, but I've seen some that were jalapeno-tinted) or plain cheese ravioli/tortellini (Trader Joe's was great for all of these).I agree! if you are afraid to trim your rats teeth by yourself, i suggest contacting some vets to find out what their cost is.

First and foremost, before you consider clipping teeth, you should be absolutely sure that it needs done. However, it does mean it's possible for rats' teeth to become overgrown. I was curious if anyone has done this themselves.

I hope this was at least a little helpful.I'm thinking I'm just going to trim them myself. Hiring a professional to trim just one tree can cost $80 to $1,000+, with $250 to $500 being the typical price range for tree trimming. I gave him plenty of things to chew on but apparently he didn't. If the trimming is straightforward, you could be quoted $80 for a small tree under 25 feet tall, or $175 for a medium-sized tree 25 to 50 feet, and $300 to $1,000 for a big tree over 50 feet.
Much of the incisors are hidden underneath your rat's lips therefore in order to get a good look at their teeth you'll need to gently pull back their cheeks and lips to make sure the teeth aren't curling up and back into your rat's mouth or into the side of their cheek. Why Does My Rat Leave Drops of Urine Everywhere When He Is Playing? Sometimes he would jerk/squirm and I would end up cutting one too short and hen he would bleed, etc. When it comes to dealing with pet rat tooth care and teeth issues, hopefully there's not going to be anything that you need to do. The molars, or teeth in the back of the mouth, do not grow so they are not a problem for rats like they can be in guinea pigs and I can barely trim nails without being terrified.Mine aren't really chewers either, but they love their dried pasta almost more than cheerios. Most of the time I just see them grind their teeth when they are relaxing.Maybe soak small wooden toys in chicken broth or put a little peanut butter on them so he's more tempted to chew on them? Thank you!I had a rat whose jaw was crooked, among many other issues, and he couldn't maintain his teeth. Adrienne Kruzer, RVT, has worked with a variety of animals for over 15 years, including birds of prey, reptiles, and small mammals. Read our It was always extremely traumatic for all parties; he hated it and it was hard for us to see him so upset. Thankfully, the problem of overgrown teeth is easily controlled with regular tooth trims and monitoring of tooth length. Tree Trimming Cost. If you think your rat's teeth are overgrown, take him to see a veterinarian, who will be able to trim them down to size and find out if there's an underlying issue.

Nail Clippers - The first method used to trim rabbit teeth involves using regular dog nail clippers to cut the teeth as you would cut toe nails but this method isn't the preferred way to trim teeth.There's a high risk of cracking or splitting the tooth because of the force needed to use the clippers. The best way to keep your rat's teeth at a normal length is to provide them with something to chew on. This keeps all of ours in check.There's plenty of wooden blocks, lava rock, pummice stone, and I think there's a flossy toy as well, he's just not much of a chewer so his teeth aren't as well kept as they should be.I've never had to trim my girls' teeth, and the thought of it terrifies me. what is recommended is baby SOY formula, i suggest a can of the dry stuff cause it last longer. Mineral stones are another option. I called the vet and I was told that they'd have to … If you notice your rat gnawing on the bars of his cage, this isn't a sign that he's trying to wear down his teeth; it generally means he needs a bigger cage.Unless your rat has a medical issue that stops his teeth from grinding properly, it's extremely rare that they'll become overgrown.