" I'm not a human or a demon anymore. The first is a ghost in a wedding gown which does not bother women; thus, the guys try to get rid of it. 'Rin Okumura' is the 16 year-old protagonist of the story, Rin is also the son of Satan born from a human woman and is the inheritor of his father's powers. As the fight continues things start to look really bad as the sporangium finally erupts and the Impure King finally shows his true form.

Kanshou Zamai is able to burn everything in the material world. While they are talking, the mother of the kidnapped child arrives and asks them how her son is. :arrow_forward: In class, he is occasionally seen with his bangs pinned up so he can read his studies.Rin has a protective and supportive personality. Suguro tells Rin he will lead him to fight the Impure King as all the monks and Exorcists gather for the battle. The ExWires and Yukio charge into the base, only to find t empty. Rin tells him no way, that he has no reason to risk his life for such a petty argument. When his demon heart isn‘t hidden, it appears in a shape that reminds of an actual human heart.

:arrow_forward: Messy, dark-blue hair that sweeps down in his pale skin and intense blue eyes. In a way, it is a conscious manifestation of Rin's demonic power. On today's blog, I'm gonna talk about the main hero of "Blue Exorcist" and this person is *drumrolls* ===> Rin Okumura. - Duration: 26:01. Rin and Kuro fight to protect Ryuji Suguro from the Impure King while he is in physical contact with the earth but Rin still can't manage to draw his blade. The three walk down the aisle without saying anything to Rin while discussing how they are surprised that Rin is still alive, saying that he could go on a rampage at any second. Saburota Todo, an upper second class Exorcist in charge, tells the trio that a miasma (Demon poison) is spreading from the scene, infecting civilians with fatal boils. They confront the Demon only to have it disappear and they find the eye it carried is a fake. Kuro gets them as close to the Impure King as possible and they land on a rock so that Ryuji Suguro can put up a fiery shield that manages to contain the Impure King and keep the poison contained for the time being. Suddenly, the rock Demon on him flies off and lands on Shiemi, pinning her to the floor.

When Yukio awakened to his demonic nature, he and RIn combined their power which forms into a large phoenix out of blue flames. Inside the prison, Rin wonders if he should have been dead and why Shiro let him live. The eyes belong to the Impure King, a Demon who released diseases and epidemics in the Ansei Era (1854-1860), as well as caused the deaths of around 40,000 people. Rin chases after the demon who has the girl's ribbon. Shura then informs the group about their mission- to reinforce the weakened guard in Kyoto, where the Right Eye of the Impure King resides. At the market, Rin struggles to do anything right, but everything breaks on him.

Throughout hia childhood, Rin was picked on called "Demon" and "Devil".

But while Yukio starts arguing with Rin, asking why he unsheathes his sword so readily, the Kraken attacks them from under and they fall into the water. Rin is able to use his flames at his fullest. Much like Yukio, he takes any insult against him very seriously, and got really angry when Shura claimed he died like a coward. Rin Okumura is the son of Satan, half-demon, older brother of Yukio Okumura, and main protagonist of the Blue Exorcist fanfiction "Black Heaven". Shura finishes by saying that their specific duty is to nurse the injured Exorcists who were attacked by someone trying to steal the Right Eye, as well as reinforcing their guard.