The mini-sloth leader stated that their solution was to sacrifice the Fire King, which Sid noted was not a scientific solution, but the mini-sloth leader maintained was worth a try. He returns to help the herd with an ancient stone pillar and rejoins them to stop the asteroid in Due to his voice actor, Buck speaks with a British accent.

He turned around to realize that the three baby dinosaurs had hatched and were copying everything he was doing. In the third film, they also mentioned they never liked Sid. He and Rudy proceed to continue their battle. Sid set out to find rocks with which to make fire, striking a few against one another, when he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him, and turned his attention to Diego. During their walk, Sid, to amuse himself, engaged in such merriment as throwing a snowball at Manny often and sliding along a frozen lake that the other two could not, though his actions caused him more trouble as he was soon stuck in an ice wall after sliding. After Manny thinks he don't want Peaches having a baby, Sid said is a good thing to have a kid. Manny, in a twist of good fortune, was launched from the lava pit while on the chunk of ice that had broken off as he was standing on it. Sid then decided to give Diego a new nickname, but Diego threatened Sid before he could finish and quickly changed his tone to a joking, almost brotherly tone as he roughhoused with the sloth before Manny called both their attention: the baby was taking his first steps. Sid was built along the form typical of ground sloths, short, brushy tail, clawed hands and feet, a long thin neck, ovular head with bulbous eye on both sides and a pair of buckteeth.

When Momma dinosaur came into the animals homeland looking for her babies, Manny tries to reason with Sid to give them back to her, but because Sid has grown fond of his 'new' children, he refuses to let that happen. Diego explains that most animals can swim when they are babies, going back to Sid's earlier statement. The three worked out a plan, with Sid as the bait, luring the sabers away with a decoy baby made of snow, wrapped in the baby's bundles. Sid, despite his shortcomings, was faithful to his friends and family and committed to the herd he had joined later in life. Sid along with Diego then thought, since Manny had Ellie, he didn't need them around anymore and set off by themselves, however Manny quickly picks up Sid and tells Diego that now they are one 'herd', letting Sid know that at last they are one big happy family at last. Gutt's calm demeanor quickly disappeared into a look of pure evil, stating to Manny that his family "will be the death of you." See more ideas about Ice age, Age, Ice age movies. She doesn't, however, seem to be nearly as obsessed with acorns as her male counterpart, as she was shown trying to destroy the acorn at the end of the film out of jealousy. During the fight, she protects Ellie from Squint, mocking the rabbit's "cute little bunny nose".

Using what little strength she has left, she gives the baby to Manny and Sid in hopes that he will be safe with them. Sid's pelt was dirty and tan, and became brown when the fungus it carried dried out, Sid attributing the state of his pelt to his vegetarian diet, which he said led to a younger-looking pelt. After Manny and Ellie have another argument and split up, Sid and Diego tries to talk Manny out from killing himself though the geysers. After Manny and the others escape by capsizing Gutt's iceberg, Shira is seen in the water, calling out for her crewmates' help; only Flynn is concerned over Shira's whereabouts, but Gutt ignores this and demands his crew to move on forward without her. He spotted three Diego caught onto Manny's trunk and held on tight, to which Sid jokingly stated that he thought Diego was afraid of water, retracting his joke as Diego grabbed angrily onto his throat. It was that Sid suggested asking Ellie and the Possum brothers to come along with them to escape the flood, despite everyone's furious reactions towards each other. The lead hyrax (distinguished by his bushy eyebrows, lighter fur coloration, and lower voice tone), who hates Gutt with a passion, rallies his forces and decides to help the herd, much to the herd's delight.