It may take up to a half-hour to calm a frightened pig. Knowing how to calm your pig will enable her to follow directions when entered in a livestock show, or while loading her onto a stock trailer. And listen to your other guinea pig to see if it is purring, churring, or tooth chattering because that means that it is like being petted.

Then try feeding it a carrot or something.

Hand-feed your pig when you talk to him to encourage interaction. Lowered milk production and other health problems can arise due to stress. Once he’s well-established, you can gently introduce him to new people, places and things.Your guinea pig may be a bit timid or even skittish when you first bring him home.

| Answerbag Hand-feeding and sitting near her/him and talking to them might work.Read more: How do i get my guinea pig to stop being scared of me? While guinea pigs are usually social, happy animals, they may be a bit shy at first, especially when getting adjusted to a new home.

One, who was the most scared, will just cuddle in your arm and sleep or watch what is going on. Are guinea pigs scared of cats?

This will only stress your pets out, and they will be less likely to calm down in each other’s presence.

eventually try petting them and picking them up, but maybe you are hurting them on accident when you try to pick them up or pet them, be gentle, they are very fragile creatures. It also affects their overall health.

Have the pig into the area of your home that you are in the most. Hope I helped!If you just got them a few days ago you just need to give them time to adjust to their new environment. They'll like the sensation that you're smaller than them, and your heartbeat is comforting to them. Some guinea pigs are just scared, they might just be shy, once they warm up after trying a few of my suggestions, then attempt to further get to know them!

Don’t yell at or be loud with a shy pig; work to find what kind of attitude and approach from you brings him out of his shell. Offer treats and let your pig come to you.

Your shy pig may respond to a soft tone or an upbeat one. my sister asked for a guinea pig for christmas and she's only seven so of course she got bored w it so now i kind of take care of it. Guinea Pig Care. M. music1530 New Born Pup.

In 1994, she launched a full-service marketing and communications firm. Also, it may be an age issue.

Don’t put him in a cage with companions right away, and don’t let everyone in the house handle him immediately -- just let him get comfortable. they are both girls. You need to handle your guinea pigs everyday, even for a few minutes.

Seeing and hearing you all the time helps. When relaxed, your guinea pig might make a soft but consistent squeaking/whistling sound, which is often accompanied by little body vibrations. Talk to Him. when you try to pick her up dont grab her just hold your hand out to her she will probably get curious then gently pick her up and rub her ears or something and start feeding in your hands she will know that its good when you pick her up. Rumble strutting or rumbling is a sound that guinea pigs make as part of their dominance ritual. Get your answers by asking now.Vitamin B could help prevent 'worst outcomes' in COVIDSen. Sometimes, their nipping can mean they are in pain. I think it was an adult whe nthey got and spent most of its time in a cage so now when you try to pick it up it goes ballistic but it will let you pet it any suggestions on how to calm it down? Loud noises, sudden movements, and being roughly handled are common things that can upset them.

To hold them, place them against your chest, on your shoulder like a baby, or resting in your folded arms. Most cavies have a preference. I can't pick it up at all!