Type or paste the URL into the Tweet box on twitter.com. If you have chosen to keep your Tweets protected, you’ll receive follower requests from other accounts that wish to follow you. With social media explosion, people are found spending their time on different channels like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and more. Links are automatically shortened using Twitter's own t.co service. Note that you can add Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, Myspace, and Sina Weibo to the contact.One by one, you can set each profile of your contact. To get started, tap on a Tweet to view in full screen mode.You can use shortcuts in your Twitter app through a bluetooth keyboard connected to your iPhone or iPad.

Tap on Edit button from the top right corner of iPhone screen. Launch Contacts app on your iPhone. Your character count will reflect this. A URL of any length will be altered to 23 characters, even if the link itself is less than 23 characters long. Tap Profile… By using Twitter’s services you agree to our

Step #4. The Twitter for iOS app can be used on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch device.You can reduce the amount of data used by Twitter by enabling data saver mode. Type in social profile of the contact. Typing or pasting in a URL will automatically deduct the characters from your character limit—no matter how long the original link is.

Twitter app support In order to clear up space, you can clear your Twitter media and/or web storage. Sensing this emerging trend, the media owners have already launched their messengers, which help users connect one-to-one or in groups.We have already dealt with useful information on how users Now that social media profile will be flashed below the phone number of a contact.Similarly, keep adding social media profiles of any contacts by “add social profile” in Edit mode. He dons the cap of editor-in-chief to make sure that articles match the quality standard before they are published.Apple Music is among the best online music streaming apps that lets you create and share playlists with your friends and family. Additionally, you can use the Smart Keyboard or other compatible keyboards for your iPad. In the Twitter for iOS or Twitter for Android app: Tap the share icon ( on iOS, on Android) then tap Tweet this Moment to see the URL in the Tweet compose view. Once social profiles are set, you can directly interact with your contacts from the Phone app.In case you wish to delete any of the Social media profile;How do you like this tip? How to Add Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) To view image in high quality while data saver is on, long press the image or tap the It’s easy to select portions of text from a Tweet to copy and paste and to search with. Step #2. Scroll down and tap on “add social profile.” Step #5. You can...In rare instances, you might see the iPhone activation error, which prevents you from finishing the setup. Step #1. Tap on a contact you want to edit.

Step #3. From this menu pop-up you also have the option to copy the URL link. You can Twitter for iOS stores content in the app, which can take up space on your device. Control what media you want downloaded in real time to help save data. In this mode, images will load in lower quality and videos won't autoplay. To delete a Tweet: From your profile menu, tap your Profile. The same might create confusion in a public space.

As a result, you are left with...Most of the iPhone users prefer keeping the default ringtone.

Do share your feedback with us in the comment.We may earn commission when you buy the product through links on our site.The founder of iGeeksBlog, Dhvanesh, is an Apple aficionado, who cannot stand even a slight innuendo about Apple products. Profiles to iPhone Contacts. Click the Tweet button to post your Tweet and link