Usually the face of evil is associated with demons, so that is the one I want to stick with for this little drawing tutorial, to be honest it is just an excuse to draw yet another demon and also this Hubpage accompanies the first one with When drawing any types of face, they usually have to show some sort of emotion that will show your characters frame of mind, but this really grounds your drawings in reality because every thing has to portray an emotional vision.Below are the simple moods that you could add to your demonic faces to set them apart from the usual evil type of character that they often are.Here we have the basic outline of our demons face, and we want to mark out exactly the markings where we will place the eyes and some of the other features later on.So leaving space for the demonic features and just drawing the shape of the head is what this step is all about.Whilst at this step, think a bit about what features the I like to plan a sketch out before I commit properly to paper and this is a good exercise for drawing. The demon is looking demon like now.A fully finished demonic face drawing for your end result. By Wayne Tully Copyright 2010Demon line drawing of a demons face. !that so interesting i make it two hours that so so cooldude thanks for putting up these i been trying to learn how to draw demons forever and i finally found a good tutorialis crazy and is also funny and that,s all i can see about thisI work hard at trying to draw reasonably cheers!thanks alot i have worked on finding a tutor like you and never found one.So thanks alotI've never summoned a demon before...must try once this hubchallenge is over and before I die!I was just hoping to summon Hellboy using this article, but I guess I'll have to create a flatlander version of him.

Look at my other drawing sites. Today you will learn "how to draw demon eyes", step by step.Even though the colored thumbnail looks highly detailed, the actual tutorial is going to be pretty simple. i am the worst artist ever, i am trying to become a better artist and this is so helpful! To provide a better website experience, uses cookies (and other similar technologies) and may collect, process, and share personal data.

We temporarily stopped you from leaving DrawingHub so you could confirm Description: Another eye lesson on the way because so many artists have asked me to do something like this for quite sometime. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Great for people who like How to Draw fantasy videos.

This will add a demonic effect.

The features like the eyes and the teeth, horns and other charactistics become noticeable now and we take these fruther in the next step, you however may want to draw yours a different way, maybe add hair or different horns or teeth structures, it's up to you how you draw your own demonic face, this tutorial just serves as an inspiration, something that you can draw from and learn. I talk about the process of drawing demon eyes. HubPagesCopyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners.As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. How to Draw Demon Eyes.

Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites.omg! Eyes, skull nose horns etc. Color them in, use them, or tattoo them on anything, or any way you like. I go over some easy things to draw. Something about inking a drawing and starting to shade the thing just makes it seem complete or like it's going somewhere. it is easy to do and has great results!! I use any fine liners that don't bleed or clog for best results and with minimal cross hatching on this demons face.You may however want to do more or less detail depending on your art style, but I'm happy with the way this turned out here, all I need to do is finish off the shading.Adding the full shading to the demon, you see it looks more alive and more like a demon. By Wayne Tully Copyright 2010The first lines tell you which way the face is facing, so I decided to draw it side facing.The important features are pencilled in.