They are smart and resourceful.

Last year, we were living in the back bedroom, and this fucking bird kept trying to build a nest on top of the air unit, even though I'd sweep it off every couple hours, for more than a week.

This will prevent the birds from landing. The suggestion to wire off their access to various areas is a good one. We decided to … My air conditioner is placed on a ledge of a third story building. Birds that are looking for a dry, sheltered place to roost and lay eggs occasionally build nests around window air-conditioning units.

Use a detergent cleaner and pressure washer to clean surfaces (USE A FACE MASK, GLOVES, and GOGGLES! Birds are known to use an air conditioning unit either as a roost or as a good place to build their nest. Dear Birds, While I am pleased that you have decided the air conditioner in my bedroom is the perfect place for you to reside, I feel obligated to voice a few concerns on behalf of … Place some fake owls nearby. I live in Phoenix and a lot of people put a fake owl on their air conditioner to keep …

The constant noise that the birds make may disturb your sleep. Thanks. Nail it to the ledge with the spirals two-fingers' width apart. Last week, the team of K&S Heating and Air, received a complaint for a window AC unit, that kept shutting down with a “thud” noise, before it could even start the cooling cycle.

).I hate to be a wet blanket but here's the deal. It burns their feet.

The sun's reflection off the silver scares birds away.


Since the netting is flimsy, the birds won't be able to grasp it and stay upright.Look into distracting mechanisms. Look at other bird deterrents such as silver tape, bird spikes or bird gel.Remember that the birds' development period in the nest is short -- only three weeks at the most. Take away any leftover nesting materials that the birds may want to reuse.Look for holes on the sides of the unit to see if there are areas where the birds can actually go inside.

My next door neighbor feeds the pigeons, and they land on his roof all of the time. A. I don’t blame you. I got an inexpensive one at the garden shop at Wal-Mart.If you want a quick way to deal with the problem of nesting pigeons, salt will deter them from landing. These appliances appeal to birds because they offer protection from the elements and from predators.

My husband and I moved here 8 months ago and there's been a nest next to the AC unit in my office window since before we got here.

So I bought it from trader joes and put it in a squirt bottle and squirted away. No one wants to be responsible for the death of any birds, especially baby birds, so the best solution is to keep the unit sealed up and unattractive so that birds are not tempted to come near it and not able to roost on top.Remove any bird feeders or birdbaths near your air conditioning unit that attract birds to the site.

If you find a nest in your unit, be patient until they are through with the hatching process. Besides the nuisance factor, nesting birds … I know they have babies because i can see and hear them. The side of our house gets so dirty because of their droppings. Davis received a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from California State University, Long Beach. I live in Phoenix and a lot of people put a fake owl on their air conditioner to keep the pigeons away. Banging on the window doesn’t keep them away for long. The spirals don't provide a sturdy enough landing place for the birds.Stretch bird netting 1 inch higher than the entire air conditioner if it doesn't interfere with the functionality of the unit. These are available at Ace Hardware but you can probably find a lot of fake owls around.Had a similar problem at my home and solved it by placing an artifical owl close by. This will prevent the birds from landing. It's troublesome to find birds using your window air conditioner as their stomping grounds or building a nest in your air conditioning unit. I spend a lot of time in my office, and I have 3 hamsters in here as well that I don't want getting sick! Thanks, MikeThis is a page about keeping birds away. Hang some CDs from thin wire. The birds seem to be afraid of the owl. Bird droppings are unsightly, carry disease and could even keep your unit from functioning properly. Da ist nicht zumachen.I heard on 3 TV that Dr. Bronners Peppermint soap sprayed on your roof works.