Then i add a card with composition and other news This is interesting enough to deserve a separate question I had both of my dumb canes next to my fireplace and under a led light for one night thinking they need to be warmed up.

But you certainly could prune them out to help send more energy to the main stems. Everything You Need to Know to Care for Your String of Pearls Plant

If they look crowded, repot your dumb cane into a pot one size larger with fresh soil. Does this hurt the plant?Yes, things like iron and other chemicals found in tap water can build up in the soil, and cause harm to plants over time. If you notice lower leaves dropping and your plant getting tall and leggy, that's a sign to move it to a spot with brighter light. Topic. I have lots and lots of new leaf growths but they always produce small to medium leaves and not the large flat leaves. It grows more upright at 4′ tall and just 1-2′ wide.Goal: Explain to the reader what they need to do while the plant is growing to ensure success. Save the leafless stem from the air layering process to make new baby plants. Over time, soil breaks down and there is less aeration for the roots. When air layering is completed after several months, cut the stem back close to the soil level, which will cause a new plant to grow in the original pot. The broad and large leaves, with intricate patterns, are showy and give a tropical feel to the place where you plant it. A warning graphic with the words Dangerous Plant has circulated online for several years. The sap contains oxalate crystals that can irritate the skin if you have any open cuts.​To air layer, cut the plant about half way through the stem with a sharp knife approximately one foot down from plant top.

Keep in mind you can only use this method if you have a drainage hole in your pot. To help get rid of the fungus, you can just scrape it off. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for after reading through the post and these FAQs, then ask your question in the comments below, and I’ll answer it as soon as I can.It’s normal for the bottom leaves to turn yellow, and eventually die and drop off. I have had this problem before and simply cut the whole thing back to a nice round head no wider than 20cm (8 inches) in diameter and it fluffed up with close set leaves nicely. How to Care for (and Propagate) Your Wandering Jew Plant

I started feeding all of my houseplants regularly last year and have had lots of Christmas cactus blooming at different times of the year, as well as the peacefullyWonderful! My green thumb comes from my parents, and I've been gardening most of my life. Alexandra Jones is an avid urban grower and Master Gardener writing about houseplants, gardening, and sustainability from her home in Philadelphia. I got my Dumb Cane 3 days ago and when I brought it in the leaves started to shrivel. See “Are Dieffenbachia Plants Poisonous?” above for more information.Since they are very common indoor plants, you should be able to find dieffenbachia plants for sale at your local garden center any time of the year.But, usually you’ll find the best selection of houseplants during the fall and winter months.
But any other healing is good. Certain cultivars, such as ‘Snow’ and Then it’s probably time for a bigger pot.To be sure, simply slide the plant out of the pot and take a look at the roots. Stick your finger one inch into the soil to see how wet it is. You can clean it under not-cold gentle running water.Just sprout roots, you can put the two new plants in a hydroponics culture. Ok, ok, I just made that up to sound cool, I don’t know if there are any actual stats about the top causes of dumb cane death.All kidding aside, overwatering really is the main thing you need to worry about when growing this plant. If very little soil is left, or the roots are circling around the bottom of the container, then it’s time to repot it.Only go up one or two sizes in pots, or the plant may have a difficult time becoming established in the new pot. If the stem or leaves are chewed, they will cause swelling and pain in the mouth—and, therefore, temporary speechlessness. Depending on the variety you have, they can be small, tabletop plants, or can reach up to 5-6 feet in height. I have two Dieffenbachia (dumb cane) plants in pots in my kitchen.