Having lived through one myself, it was awful. Your wife might also need girls time. You haven't had your time to really go live and do normal young adult stuff.I disagree, this sounds silly. I'm just so damn ashamed of myself for being such a piece of shit all my life.

Even if you have nothing please for fucks sake make sure that you have freedom. I'm not placing any sort of responsibility on them.This is what I can only assume your wife would say about all of this:The kids are only mirrioring what relationship standards they see set by us. How old are your kids?

I try my absolute hardest with my children to be there and be engaged and interact with them only to have them yell at and scream at me to go away like I'm some sort of abusive father when that is absolutely not the case.I sit in my car after work for 1-2 hours extra simply because I just absolutely despise my life and I don't want to go home.I also know that most people say, "Just get divorced and be happy." You haven't had your time to really go live and do normal young adult stuff.The best advice I can give you is to try to find a group of friends, and get involved with them, or if you think your wife wouldn't lkke that. Facebook पर Reddit Ridiculousness को I used to wake up every day with that sickening chant going off in my mind. Most people see through them anyway.It is better to just own your mistakes and strive to do better going forward.You may be anxious about taking risks but taking calculated risks is a necessary part of growth and success.You will miss some amazing opportunities if you're never willing to take a chance.Yes, there is a possibility of failing, but there is also the possibility of succeeding. I feel like the stupidest person around. I would honestly just like to leave and I am sure she would as well.As someone whose parents stuck it out for me until I was 17.... don't. I could never measure up to people. If you can’t tell I am slightly drunk. Everyone is annoyed with everyone in their life sometimes. 49. it leads me to be depressed and feel no need to continue, i know all of this is a lie my brain created and i can't get it out (i can just need practice) but it's extremely hard to get out of this long lasting mindset.How are you supposed to do anything when you are hated, I don't have any group or anything. I am tired of this shit. It makes us feel unloved so we have pulled away. when it comes to me viewing others, they don't have the flaws that i do, they know themselves, and it's a mythology in my head. Also where I live pharmacy shifts are comprehensive of a three hours pause so when I work a whole shift I actually am busy for 11 hours. Frankly, I don't care. Every step of the way offers important lessons and insights.Don't try to get ahead of yourself, or you will miss out on the beauty of the present moment.You may want to justify or explain why your life isn't what you want it to be, but avoid making excuses for poor choices or a bad attitude.Excuses might salvage some pride, but they don't help you advance you toward your goals. That's not their job and it doesn't work that way. Just anyone of you has a clue why my parents insisted so much in forcing me through a path that in the best case scenario makes me look like a listless sloth; which also makes me hate myself more and more everyday and push everyone I know away from me because I am deeply ashamed of myself ? Why are humans like this? I hate myself.... सीधे इस पर जाएँ . should i be more serious? Do you feel so down about your life and think, “I hate this world and everything about it?”With all of the bad news about climate change, human suffering, politics, and global conflicts, it's easy to feel like life is just a series of unfortunate and depressing events.Or maybe things in your personal or professional circumstances are so bad that you feel sick of life and wish you were anywhere but in the situation you're in right now.If you can't find a glimmer of hope and feel so depressed, please don't allow your angst and apathy to prevent you from seeking help.This article can be a start, but if you're having nihilistic or suicidal thoughts, you need to take action immediately by contacting your doctor, a therapist, or even a Hopefully, your situation hasn't gotten to that point, so read on for some strategies to help you know what to do when you hate your life.By reading this article, you're already taking a step toward You're seeking information to understand why you feel the way you do and how you can improve your situation, which is the first vital step.Wanting to improve your life and feel more positive about it shows that you have a spark of Many people cling to the status quo because they fear change.If you are able to act in spite of this fear, you'll realize that you have more control over your circumstances than you previously believed.This empowers you to keep taking small steps that create a more fulfilling and happier life.When you catch yourself thinking about how much your life sucks, interrupt this negative mindset and take one small positive action.Admitting that things are not where you want them to be is the first step.You might believe you have everything under control, and you just have hit a rough patch.

I just don't know what to do, and I don't know what else to say other than that I really, really fucking hate my life.This is hard because you are so young.

It fucked me up so badAround our kids we act like "happy, normal" couples.