The problem appears to occur when horses eat the wilting nettles.’ (From: This might help, a list of helpful herbs in pasture:European Gorse was traditionally used here in Cymru (Wales, GB) as a fodder crop. Vera argues that forests in North West Europe developed in the presence of large herbivores, resulting in highly complex and productive forest/grazing systems, not unlike savannnah or park land.

Horses also enjoy willow and poplar.I am wondering if anyone has any experience in feeding honey locust pods to horses. Has the Poison Control Center contact information.

They can function as a substitute when there is seasonal shortage or risk of drought. Theres been many horses that has lived here and i know of not one that has been poisoned even with what i was told that is toxic to them of the wild cherry trees.

God Bless!Many benefits for people also! So if you suspect your cat may have ingested your Lucky bamboo, it’s best to consult your local veterinarian.

Any one else have any advice?

U.S. Code TX-701-177, Dec. 3 rd. It’s OK to continue growing rhubarb, just restrict the flock’s access to the garden. They also browse on natives we call ‘Dolly Bush’ and ‘Fireweed’ when out on the trail.The first step in this study is to conduct a horse industry survey to collect information from horse owners about observed incidences of browsing and types of foliages browsed. Over time, the horse develops a deficiency in …

The forage trees and shrubs stated in this article represent a selection; there may be other trees more suitable for your environment (declared status, climate, soil conditions, rain fall etc).

Bracken fern also contains thiaminase, an enzyme that causes vitamin B to become inactive. I was ready to plant Kieth Davey Chinese Pistachios when I stumbled on research by UC Davis in California USA. If you have specific information or have observed your horses eating different forage trees or shrubs, can you please comment here so we can all learn from this.I read that some horses enjoy eating blackberries which contain vitamin C. Brambles may be left in hedges many horses enjoy eating the young leaves of these plants. Bracken fern is toxic throughout the plant; it contains rhizomes, which are toxic roots that spread and shoot out to form new growth underground. Fencing will prevent rubbing injury to trees from horses that like to scratch.

Tree fodder systems also deliver additional benefits such as shelter, soil conservation, rough timber and habitat. Bamboo is high in fiber and can contain 10-20% crude protein. It is the leaves that have turned red that are poisonous,, and Japanese maple is very popular as a shade tree or for planting, when landscaping. Trail riding in summer is a nuisance my horse loves them so much!Very interesting stuff to read thank you all for the informationHey Louize, I am also in Scotland run my horses along a track in winter with wild garlic, nettle, thistles, dandelions, meadowsweet, birch and poplar trees.

Plants have co-evolved with and are eaten by bacteria, insects, fungi and grazing animals. In Britain, our ivy, hedera helix, is very interesting. Watson my cat, can eat bamboo!

Dandelions are another highly nutritious plant for horses.

Includes photo, scientific name, tocxic properties, symptoms and treatment. The seeds need to have 30 seconds in boiling water to enable them to germinate, therefore the seed that is produced does not germinate automatically!! SatyaThanks for the article! What is worrying about Japanese maple is that the leaves can blow into a paddock. Do you know anything about native trees and plants that are beneficial and safe for horses to eat?

Lucky bamboo is known by various popular names such as Goddess of Mercy’s plant, ribbon plant, Belgian evergreen, curly bamboo, ribbon dracaena, and Sander’s dracaena. We’ve used it as cut fodder for horses for several years- you can find some details here I believe gorse does quite well in an aussie climate (!

The nutritive value of trees and shrubs forage is determined by its ability to provide the nutrient required by an animal to balance requirements. Flying foxes are attracted to trees with blossoms (nectar), soft fruits, figs, berries, stone fruits such as mangos. Horsetail can cause serious illness in livestock. zebras and wild asses) reported that equus species show grazing as well as browsing behaviour.

My cats like to nibble on the leaves also. Along the forestry track, the horses browse both gorge and broom and thistles, and though I won’t DELIBERATELY introduce any of those here in NZ, they happily take advantage of the wildlings.Hi, I am going round be setting up a track in New Zealand next year.

They are also easy to seed.A variety of herbage in the sward is valuable for grazing horses. Some tree and shrubs species are toxic to horses and should be avoided around and within horse pastures/paddock. In this article I will describe the benefits of trees and scrubs as a fodder and will give a small selection of potential forage trees and shrubs for horses.

Deep-rooting ‘weeds’ can bring up all-important minerals from deeper soil layers.

We have even had several bad cases of laminitis following application of a common ‘livestock safe’ herbicide to nettles.