Remember to breathe slowly to relax the mind.This is a very healing practice for the eyes, however, be careful. Our System helps you use the Sun as a pathway to self-development and spiritual transformation. As a practitioner of Cosolargy, you will learn to balance and increase your physical and mental energy which will lead to a healthier lifestyle, as well as a better connection with your true self and eventually a higher dimension.While Sun gazing is seeing a modern-day resurgence, there is a difference between doing it yourself with no instruction and with the teachers of Cosolargy and the Cosolargy Community. This regulates our hormonal balance.Sungazing with your eyes closed is a great way to ease your way into the process. Moving too fast The best time to practice as a beginner is the first hour of daylight, and the last hour of daylight. See more ideas about Gazing, Sun gazing quotes, Sun. In order to use the sun as a pathway correctly, we must learn how to utilize the energy of the sun by means of the System of Cosolargy, which is taught through our Academy Program.Sun viewing is an ancient practice. WARNING: Staring into the sun without proper training can/will damage your eyes. NO. This was not worship of the physical sun but worship of one God, a supreme deity, whose spirit was in heaven and whose physical manifestation was the sun – the symbol of life. This is why it is dangerous for someone to simply Google how to sungaze and then look up into the sky in the afternoon. Once you become a Consociate of the Community of Cosolargy, our hope for you is to be reborn into the Worlds of Light and truly connect with your immortal Light Body.
Today, many Pagans honor the sun at Midsummer, and it continues to shine its fiery energy upon us, bringing light and warmth to the earth. Cosolargy is a modern extension of solar absorption and reflection based on religious arts, spiritual sciences, and therapeutic techniques. If your body tells you to stop, stop immediately no matter what the guidelines of the technique You are growing your intuition during this process, so listen to it…Here is a Common sun gazing technique for beginners.Step 1 – Stand Barefoot on the natural ground (Grass, dirt, sand, rock)Step 2 – Take Deep & Full breaths and focus your gaze on the sun for 10 seconds. We know sunlight is good for the human body, but what we need to learn is how sunlight affects the human mind and Spirit.There is a wealth of ancient information around how to harness the sun’s energy in the most beneficial way possible. If the sun’s UV levels are high, it can still harm your eyes.Sungazing done correctly is safe, however, those who push the limits and go faster than their body can adjust to Beginners should practice sun gazing the first hour of sunrise or the last hour of sunset.This is because the UV Rays are not as strong during the early and late sun.Listing to your body is very important while practicing. So how can you celebrate the sun as part of your own spirituality? The sun’s warm light will prep you for more (if you desire it).Tilt your head and allow the sunlight to make contact with your eyelids from all angle to get the most of this practice. It shows up every day, cloudy or shine, and gives light and life to the world.Simply put, sun gazing is gazing at the sun and manipulating photons. Watch the sun’s afterglow go away. It’s important to move slowly to allow your eyes to adjust to the sun’s light. See more ideas about Sun worship, Egyptian deity, Raw for beauty. When sunlight hits our eyes, the optic nerve sends electric impulses to the pineal gland. The sun (as you know) is very powerful. Would you go to the gym and attempt to lift 300 lbs your first day? Cosolargy’s Academy Program spans 24 months of practice in which you are assigned an advanced practitioner called a preceptor. Blink when needed. People that worships the sun is a abomination to the Lord Jesus Christ. From the ancient Egyptians and Maya to Buddha’s disciples to Jesus and the original Essene-Christians, the difference between “low” Sun worship and “high” spiritual practice is vast. You will learn how to incorporate your Force Centers (chakras) with solar viewing and healing techniques using sound and light.Reaching an elevated state of Consciousness does not come instantaneously from looking at the Sun. Let go of all tension and stare with a relaxed gaze.Cover your eyes with the palm of your hands. Our System helps you use the sun as a pathway to self-development and spiritual transformation. Later, we will discuss a good sungazing technique for beginners.
In Cosolargy, we revere the sun as the primary source of spiritual Energy and Information. Step 4 – If you remain disciplined long enough with your sun gazing practice, you’ll be able to gaze at the sun for over 45 mins several months later.Sun Gazing is powerful and capable of changing lives. Your preceptor acts as your tutor and guide to lead you through the stages of your transformation and to answer questions that may arise while you go through the Process of Spiritual Regeneration.Once you are familiar with the teachings of Cosolargy and have some experience with safe sun gazing, you will begin to meet with Community members and attend the Center in the high desert of northern Nevada to gaze, learn, and grow with one another.Enlightenment and the development of your spiritual Consciousness is the ultimate goal of Cosolargy, yet it is a life-long process that is attained in stages. When these photons enter your body through your eyes, they impact millions of neurons.

Doing so seems to go against common sense, but it does happen.In order to truly benefit from solar energy, there is a correct way to look at the Sun. There are safe hours to look at direct sunlight and techniques to process cosmic energy. NO.You MUST build your strength slowly to allow your body to adapt to the sun’s rays. Jul 12, 2017 - Explore Divalynn48's board "Sun Gazing" on Pinterest. It is the cause of all life!But in Cosolargy we do not simply stare at the brightest star in our universe, and we do not worship it. Together you will discuss written and audio documentation around the practice of Sun gazing. Many practitioners have reported improved eyesight as a result of sun gazing and healthy eating.