It was this concern for the safety of the family and its wealth that achieved the end which dread of social absorption would apparently never have achieved--the termination of a long residence where there was moral danger for all. What we see him in his father's encampment, that we see him to the end--so far as appears from the laconic story. What honors there Joseph can show his father he shows him: Their birth was delayed till 20 years after the marriage of their parents. The meaning of James is “Supplanter”. It is so obvious that this new attitude toward the patriarchs lends itself to a more sympathetic criticism of the narrative of Genesis, that critics who adopt it are at pains to deny any intention on their part of rehabilitating Jacob and others as historical figures. Jacob therefore represents the first generation of those who are determinately separate from their environment. A supplanter is one who takes or attempts to take the rightful place of another. But there still remain many passages in both Testaments where the Jacob or Israel of Ge is clearly alluded to. For if the substance of these Divine revelations be compared, it will be found that all are alike in the assurance (1) that God is with him to bless; (2) that the changes of his life are ordained of God and are for his ultimate good; and (3) that he is the heir of the ancestral promises. In the New Testament also there are, besides the references to Jacob simply as the father of his nation, several passages that recall events in his life or traits of his character. What do we know of its etymology and what were the associations it conveyed to the Hebrew ear?

But here the likeness ceases. 67, 113, 98 and 4). Thus, the first element of the name Jacob came to be felt as the name itself (= "Jacob is God"), and it was launched upon its course of evolution into the human personage that Genesis knows. "Being not yet born, neither having done anything good or bad, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth, it was said unto (Rebecca), The elder shall serve the younger" ( With Jacob the last person is reached who, for his own generation, thus sums up in a single individual "the seed" of promise. and to and fro in Canaan, its circumstantial acquaintance with the names and relationships of each individual through those 4 long patriarchal generations, and its obvious foreshadowing of much that the later tribes were on this same soil to act out centuries later. For those who see in the patriarchal narratives anything--myth, legend, saga--rather than true biography, there is, of course, a different interpretation of the characters and events portrayed in the familiar Genesis-stories, and a different value placed upon the stories themselves.

Yet it was the determinative scene, for God in His latest and fullest manifestation to Jacob was just "the God of Beth-el" ( With the arrival at Haran came love at once, though not for 7 years the consummation of that love.

But I know he has some sincere fans.Anyway, it seems like a rather nice and unusual name, with a pretty meaning.My cousin’s name is Caprice. These passages are: From this it appears, first, that not much that is essential in the biography of Jacob would have perished though Genesis had been lost; and, second, that the sum of the incidental allusions outside Ge resemble the total impression of the narratives in Genesis--in other words, that the Biblical tradition is self-consistent. It is probably only a play of fancy that would discover a parallel in their respective careers, between the successive stages of life in the father's home (Canaan), life in exile, a return, and a second exile. Grinch definition, a person or thing that spoils or dampens the pleasure of others. The most general word of all in the Semitic tongues for deity is 'El, the word used in the revelations to Jacob at Haran in Ge (31:13), at Shechem (35:1), at Beth-el the second time (35:11) and at Beersheba (46:3). Abraham and his household were immigrants in Canaan; Jacob and Esau were natives of Canaan in the second generation, yet had not a drop of Canaanitish blood in their veins.