We let it go... yeah, we sang, "Born free...." Your lizard is really cool, and it looks a lot bigger than the cute little fella that made his way into our house. The most acclaimed illustrated palm reading guide.Uncover spiritual secrets today by watching my videos on YouTube. If it falls on the left eye then one will have good luck but if it falls on the right eye then one may become unsuccessful, lose something or even fail.If the lizard falls on your upper lip then you should get prepared for disputes and if on the lower lip then you will gain financially in any of your investments or work, however if it falls on both of the lips simultaneously then you should develop some concerns about the possibility of facing death. After reading here I feel bad for trying to hit it. In some given parts of France, the lizard is considered a good omen and that if it gets near any woman then they will be blessed with dexterity.There are numerous superstitions that relate to the lizard and among the commonest ones is that if one sees a falling of lizard on the ground then this denotes a journey. If the lizard falls on the head then one should get ready for various disputes and crises. Gowli Shastra from India has studied lizards and superstitions come up with a number of reasons why they fall - some detailed below. BTW, astrology is not a superstition, but was spoken by the great sage Parasara Muni over 5000 years ago, and is based on the precise movement of the planets. Their tongues are quite blue!We've been in this house since 1971, and about a month ago, for the first time EVER... a small lizard was in our house.

We have an abundance of geckos here in our shed...I hope they don't follow us to the house lolThese things can become quite tame if you leave a little water for them.
(And the "under the bed" chamber pot, but let's not go there....) Luckily the dogs ignore them, and the kids just want to look, so they're pretty safe in our yard, but I hate seeing them squashed on the road!Plasman; frogs are the one thing I've never seen in my yard - in any of my yards and I've lived all over...I do love Australia.Hope you have lots of snails in your garden for it to feast on. I've heard it said that lizards in the home are lucky. We still have figured out how the heck he got in.

Took it out but keeps coming backthey are lovely creatures... i have one of them as petI just saw one outside on the wall. There are various interpretations depending on where it will fall on. On our bed. In the Iberian Peninsular, Geckos are more popular as a good luck symbol than the clover or the horseshoe of Northern Europe. If the lizard lands on one's forehead then separation is indicated. Your lizard is really cool, and it looks a lot bigger than the cute little fella that made his way into our house. I do not think that the majority of Hinu people fall into this class. If a lizard or gecko or any such animal was found inside my home...I'd be screaming and running outside so fast, I'd be a big Whoosh...! Indeed ceramics in the form of lizards and Geckos are commonly hung on houses and offices to bring good luck (and also worn as charms on jewellery). Earlier today I received an email that my application for the job I applied for was unsuseccesful I was not sad .I'm happy to have a new house and today still someone offered to buy my previous house with a higher price than I expected. The overall effect that the lizard will cause to a human being on falling on them has been named The following is an analysis of some of the effects of the falling of lizards on people. All rights reserved This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.I bloody hope so! sometimes on the way to your dream, you get lost and find a better one For instance, it is considered an ill omen if the bride spot's a lizard on the way to church, this indicate that her marriage will never bring her happiness. Lizard in your House and meaning - #1. In Hinduism, if lizards enter the house, few cultures believe that …