The very best part was that it was a drink that was 100% okay to be obsessed with.

Add cocoa and milk powder and fold the ingredients in while stirring. You can store this in the airtight container.

Made with just 3 ingredients you probably already have. It doesn’t appear to be on the linked page.Awesome, Loraine! I’ve also included a few variations of the hot chocolate recipe.Here are the ingredients to make a perfect zero waste hot chocolate for your winter cravings.Note: Here we’re using milk instead of water to get a creamy hot chocolate.

The mix will last the life of the chocolate chips and cocoa powder, so about a year (or longer).The hot chocolate mix can be stored for many months (at least) since all of the ingredients are shelf-table for quite a long time.

Delicious.Hey Nikki, I don’t recommend using splenda for any recipe. In one put the vinegar, in the other the oil, and in the other the vanilla. Look on the label to see that what you are buying is 100 percent cocoa, and then check the nutrition label. However, the added sugar is what makes chocolate milk more of a dessert to have once in a while than a drink to have every day. The DIY recipes shared on this website haven’t been tested in a lab. The simple, healthier-than-store-bought ingredients come together in just seconds, making enough hot chocolate mix to enjoy over and over again on busy, cold days.Homemade hot chocolate mix also makes the perfect gift. Shopping around for the best price is great :). Store in a sealed container in a cool, dry place.When ready to make chocolate milk, add 1-2 tablespoons of chocolate milk powder to about 1 cup of milk.

The best cocoa will have 1 gram of fat per 5-6 gram serving.Dutch-process cocoa has a different flavor, but you could try it in this recipe. If you don’t have any, you can simply use an ice tray. I’d like to write an approximate “use by” date on the tag – how long would you say the mix would be good for? I’d really love to package this up for Valentine’s day!Hey Anielyn, I think you could make this recipe in a blender too.Could I use vanilla bean powder instead of buying the pods?? If you have hot chocolate on a regular basis irrespective of the climate, you can go for the hot chocolate mix. Warm 1 cup of milk. Put the mass in a food proccessor or mix it by hand until you get rid of the lumps. Add the chocolate chips, cocoa powder, and the vanilla beans (split the bean in half and scrap out the tiny seeds inside using a spoon or butter knife). Be sure to check out my When I think of chocolate milk powder, I think of Nesquik, the most popular and well-known chocolate powder. A drink that’s simple and classic, yet sophisticated: I’m all for making homemade hot chocolate on the stove-top, but life during this cold holiday season is busy, which means I don’t always have time to find multiple ingredients in my cupboard for just one cup of chocolatey satisfaction. All you do is combine the three ingredients–the sugar, cocoa powder, and a pinch of salt. The vanilla is also shelf-stable.You should list all your ingredients under ingredients. Love this recipe and will soon try it!Thank you, Madelyn. Homemade chocolate is the answer! Stir the first 5 ingredients together. One glass of chocolate milk is more than half the recommended daily sugar intake for kids. The bean pod can also be added to a jar of vodka for making Great, thank you for sharing. But if you had included the milk powder in the hot chocolate mix you can go with water.Yes, the store-bought ones are bad for you as it contains artificial flavours and dextrose which are not good for your health.But if the hot chocolate is homemade it is good to go. very nice.

It contains up to two times the sugar of unsweetened cow’s milk.Just like with adults, children should drink chocolate milk in moderation. It’ll be quite easy for you to make them when they are in the powdered form.

There are a few additives that are listed that I could do without.Homemade Chocolate Milk Powder has just as much (if not better) flavor and is made with only three ingredients!Did I mention this recipe only calls for three ingredients?

The simple, healthier-than-store-bought ingredients come together in just seconds, making enough hot chocolate mix to enjoy over and over again on busy, cold days.In a food processor, pulse the sucanat for 40 seconds until fine. If you want to use some honey to sweeten it, I would suggest adding it to the butter and milk in the saucepan so that it can be well combined before adding the chocolate.