We advocate for direct confrontation, without intermediaries, leaders, or representatives. “They didn’t want the British telling them that they had to buy their tea, but it wasn’t just about that,” Randall explains.

With whom? Social discontent is strong worldwide, and in light of current events, here are some of the most striking images of defiance from our past (and present): 1. In effect, the police unwittingly built a trench for the Born of the uprising, the neighborhood assemblies are on the one hand fascinating initiatives that provide an opportunity for self-organization and for invigorating territorial autonomy in all kinds of sectors, neighborhoods, and Similarly, we’ve encountered some political tendencies that look to transform the assemblies into “autonomous councils” to which authority would return as soon as it comes time to organize (or supplant) the “new society,” as well as tendencies that would like to have the assemblies converted into nothing more than transitional institutions prior to the formation of a “workers’ government.”At this point, it becomes necessary to state in no uncertain terms that no anarchist group, assembly, federation, or organization is making or supporting the call for a constitutional process. Clearly this is not just about making more (or, for the state, less) broken windows—it’s about a choice between social relationships of free association or relationships of structural domination, and in this way the revolt creates conditions of willingness, creativity, imagination, and a vitality unknown in the world ordered by authority. Leaders of the rebellion seized the burnings of the two ports to make the argument that the colonists needed to band together for survival against a ruthless enemy and embrace the need for independence—a spirit that ultimately would lead to their victory.Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you.Colonists didn't just take up arms against the British out of the blue.

Currently, instead of frank and honest discussions about tactics and strategy, ideological differences between distinct currents within the revolt are often expressed through accusations that certain behavior is the work of state actors.In the best light, this can be seen as the result of comrades on the street not wishing to create divisions in the movement. To the contrary, these groups have explicitly positioned themselves against the constitutional process.If our anarchist comrades can be found actively participating in the territorial assemblies (as they certainly can), it is in order to promote self-sufficiency and self-organization, with the goal of showing that we don’t need the state or capital to provide for our needs while at the same time making it clear that we currently find ourselves in a repressive situation in which it is impossible to escape the tentacles of authority. WE CAN’T DO THIS ALONE. The exercise of domination transverses all bodies and species, which is why any liberation must be total.For the month of March, we call on all anti-authoritarian individuals and collectives to join in confronting any and every institution or representation, symbolic or material, that upholds, represents, or propagates cis-male domination. First these were covered with graffiti, then toppled. The second, “More than Two Months of Revolt against the Chilean State: First Impressions, Instinctive Predictions, and Non-Negotiables,” recapitulates what happened in the revolt up until the January-February summer vacations, and explores how it is both promising and challenging for anarchists.The January-February summer vacations have seen the confrontations turn smaller and shorter, but there have still been significant developments. A historian, Pearson takes a revolution and looks at it fully from the opposite side, that is, from that of established power. Parallel zur Serie existiert ein gleichnamiges Onlinespiel, ein Massive Multiplayer Online Third-Person Shooter mit offener Spielwelt. Being able to count on stable spaces not only would have helped create more meetings (in spite of the sparse and weak communication that exists), it also could have served for preparing better propaganda, distributing resources, etc. The speculation about possible outcomes seems endless; one can hear it in conversations in chance encounters or in any neighborhood concert, assembly, or cook out. Dialogue in “The Rebellion of the Hanged” is out of Clifford Odets, pitched to the cheap seats. Anarchy works.In this context, the term “Yellow Jackets” has nothing to do with the From Leaf Blowers and Umbrellas to Lasers, Balloons, and Power ToolsHow Chicago Demonstrators Pushed Back the Police and Nearly Toppled a StatueDoing What State and Market Cannot: The Visible HandHow a Mutual Aid Network Serves Tens of Thousands in PolandOpen Letter: “Stand with Anarchist Publishers Banned by Facebook”Announcing a Solidarity Statement from Anarchist AgencyCrimethInc. But them days are gone forever.B.