I'm going to assume you refused his deal past this point. On her first turn, she will use Divine Judgement twice, which is a skill that reduces the target's health by 50% (meaning it cannot kill you). The counter (lights on the platforms) will decrease each time you step onto a platform. Head straight, head left and go around one more time, stopping in front of the open room again. It's best to just use normal attacks on Yaldabaoth to avoid wasting too much SP or HP. All you have to do is go to the top floor of Mementos. After speaking to Igor and Lavenza, you will need to free all your friends from the chains of their own captivity. If the second option happens (and you know it will happen), you are not taken away and can spend the holidays with your friends. Yaldabaoth has no weaknesses or resistances (though it cannot be affected by instant kill skills) and will gain more actions per turn as the battle goes on.
The key to surviving this fight is to destroy the arms as quickly as possible. It cannot be downed by Down Shot. Personas that won't die to Physical attacks are preferred here. Then head north back to the panel to complete the puzzle. Watch your weaknesses, keep your health up and this boss should fall like everyone else. Its main attack is a move called Sword Dance, a colossal damaging Physical attack that will kill just about anyone that doesn't have Endure if it's powered up. to hit your whole party with heavy magic damage or Cosmic Flare to hit you all with Severe Nuclear damage. This works similarly to the berserk condition earlier, where your attack will increase, but your defense will drop. However, this is your last final exam for the year. If you need a heal, go back to the Entrance of Mementos and Caroline will restore your team's HP and SP.

Make your way east and then north until you can climb down and across platforms. Though you don't need to fight them, they will chase you down immediately, making it likely that you will have to. Their name means "God is my strength" and is known to be the left hand of God and the embodiment of the holy spirit, in contrast to Michael who is the right hand of God. You'll want to destroy each of the arms again, so as not to give the boss too many attacks.When Yaldabaoth brings out all four arms at once, he will unleash his ultimate move soon.Once you attack Yaldabaoth and get his health low enough, he will summon all four arms back with full health. Head south two circles and east one circle. Once that fight is over, make your way to the second level. It will use the following moves: You'll get a gift from whoever you hang out with, then more scenes will happen. Head east and travel deeper into Mementos. In this next room, start by jumping down the ledges to the floor below, but watch out for the Shadow that's patrolling down there. Spent time with Kawakami (Temperance Confidant Rank 10/MAX) He will trade you a Fervent Bat (weapon for Ryuji) for it. If you remember, these things are weak to curse skills, so use that to your advantage to knock them down.
When Yaldabaoth uses Divine Apex, use the first turn to break as many limbs as possible. Your efforts are working! It will most likely attack you with all arms and body for a turn or two before charging back up for one final attack. Kali - The Blackened Fury - Empress (Persona 5 only) Crystal Skull - Treasure Demon - Fool (Royal) Throne - Fire Assassin - Justice (Royal) Minibosses Edit. You can ask Makoto to go over one of the subjects, she'll give you the answer for one of the questions that you haven't studied for. Your friends are in the cells, but you will have to look a bit hard to find the cell doors. There are no puzzles and tricks in this new area which means you can run straight and reach the boss quickly. To Christians, Gabriel's primary task is that of a messenger who told Elizabeth that she would bear John the Baptist and Mary that she would bear Jesus… Around the platform there will be a Decorated Railing, place the Disk in there to open up a room. Eventually, you'll get a chance to hang out with someone on February 14th, Valentine's Day, although if you romanced more than one girl, things won't look too good (you'll receive a gift either way).The game will skip ahead to March 19th, where you will be getting ready to leave to return home. Using the same strategy will give you the same result. Vous trouverez le cheminement complet de cette zone dans notre partie "Partez discuter avec tous les membres de votre équipe qui seront enfermés pour les libérer ( Carte du Path of the Holy Grail (partie1et2) Fusion entre le Mementos et la réalité, vous allez atterrir dans la dernière zone du jeu : Path of the Holy Grail. He must also charge it up with Divine Apex for 2 turns. I hope. This means you have to finish the puzzle within a certain amount of time. Tout au nord, prenez le chemin de gauche ou de droite, cela vous permettra de grimper au premier étage (Pour finir, dans la quatrième partie de la zone, partez à nouveau vers le nord et affrontez Apocalyptic Guide (De retour près du Holy Grail, vous allez pouvoir envoyer l'un de vos compagnons couper les veines lui permettant de se régénérer (Durant ce combat, le Boss va dévoiler une à une ses cinq capacités. Head west first, then head all the way east. Also, at the beginning of the battle, you will need to send someone to cut the lines at the top, so the boss doesn't get healed by Will of the People. Once you've used the Vermilion Disk, follow these directions to open the path: This will be the second cavern you'll have entered so far, but you still have a distance to travel. If you've been following along, you can now go to Leblanc's table where you read books and read every location guide. It's imperative that you get rid of the Messengers quickly, so they don't outheal any damage you've done on the boss.Speaking of the boss, he will use mostly physical skills on you, such as Bloodbath (can inflict Fear), Myriad Slashes, and Deathbound, as well as Megidola. If you need to fuse, now is the time to start hitting those Advanced Fusions if you haven't done so already.