All you need is a little bit of confidence and some help from your friends here at EveryDayKnow. Deal?125.Girl, you better have a license, because you are driving me crazy.126.Are you a parking ticket?

Once you deliver this pick up line, in a next second, you will find yourself wrapped in the arms of your sweetheart.

But how much have you been drinking so far?111.May I introduce my name? Or did you have to work for it?You must be a Pokemon, because I sure want to pikachu! Find the right balance. Boy: Damn, I’m really attracted to you.47.I think you’re an alien. Oh, that’s right.

My mother always reminds me to call her once I found the man/woman of my dreams. Because you take a greater risk of her being influenced by the people she is around. Dang girl is your name Wi-Fi, because there is definitely a connection here.Aside from being extraordinarily beautiful, what else do you do for a living?I bet they’ll ask you to leave pretty soon.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings.

Do you work at NASA?142.Do you come with coffee and cream because you are my sugar.143.Are you wifi because I think we have a connection!145.Baby you don’t have to sneeze.

They want someone who is confident enough with themselves to talk to them without failing. Boy: How about a date?76.Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?77.I am not drunk honey, I’m just intoxicated by you.79.Can I borrow a kiss, I promise I’ll give it back.80.Did you just come out of oven, because you sure are hot.81.Your eyes just match your blouse or dress perfectly. Girl: Why?

[What?] Twenty20 photo.awareness. Sometimes we just need to break the ice with witty pickup lines. Whether she is your classmate, co-worker, your colleague or just the girl you saw often at a restaurant or bar, all you will need is some opening lines or pick up lines for girls that can impress her right away. Keep reading to check it out now!It is very crucial to give her your name and introduce yourself before diving right into a pick up line. Because it has to be illegal to look so hot.90.If I were a stop light, I would always turn red each time you pass by. Else, I would have to go to the police station and report you to the cops.

Can you see me? Although you want to be confident, you definitely do not want to be arrogant. Could you give me directions to your apartment? Maybe you can try again at a later date if she doesn’t go for it the first time. So, I need to get your number and name to claim my insurance.69.Let me guess, is your name Summer?

First we will go over some tips to help you deliver pick up lines in the best way that you possibly can and then we will dish out 40 of the funniest, cleanest pick up lines you have ever heard. Pickupliness gathered for you the best bundle of short pick up lines, they are funny and cheesy pick up lines, use them at your risk. Because you’ve got everything I am looking for.83.I can die happily now because I have just seen a piece of heaven.85.If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together.86.I’m just wondering.

That’s because you seem so Wright for me.107.You might be asked to leave now. Please share more of your supportive comments in the future. It’s gotta be illegal to be that damn fine!On a scale of one to ten you’re a nine… Because I’m the one left that you need.Have you always been this pretty? Girl: No. Do you have a map? Boy: Then why you knew how to tie my heart into knots?97.If I were your heart, would you allow me to beat?98.I hope you know CPR because you take my breath away.99.Please don’t go now. I keep on getting lost in your eyes.122.Hi, Cupid just called.

Are you a magician?

Because I’m checking you out.74.You must be the reason for all of these global warming effects because you’re really hot.75.Do you like raisins? CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete.Pick up lines don’t have to be dirty and disgusting. But I think we’d make a great pair anyways.

We have got your back, dude! Your pick up lines can set the tone for your next chats but you gotta be very careful not to use the right one at the wrong time or place. Required fields are marked 1.I’m not a professional photographer. Here are the 10 best cute pick up lines: 1.

Your face must be the poster for McDonalds… Because I’m totally lovin’ it. Want a drink?82.Is your name Google? When chosen carefully and said from the heart, they can really get a girl's attention. Avoid fidgeting too much. Because whenever I look … The paramedics are coming to pick me up after I saw you, my heart just stopped.68.I was so amazed by your beauty that I had to run to the wall over there.