1. The Stinger. Mars — the planet  associated with  self-initiative and self expression — gives the Scorpio man and Scorpio woman an overwhelming need to self-assert, to be self-made, to carve their identity out of the stone of opposition with nothing more than their self-reliance and will power. They have a deep need to know how everything and everyone ticks, mostly due to them becoming self-aware earlier than most. The Pluto energy that rules Scorpio is famous for secrecy and privacy, giving Scorpio an anxious desire to fly under the radar.

My Sun and Venus is in Aqua and I'm Scorpio rising. A single mad moment often defines this love affair, probably the one with the highest soulmating potential of all! I feel that even though they are asteroids strangely they add to your essence somehow almost like it's deeply embedded in your makeup.Mine are both in Scorpio two degrees apart but I have 4 other Scorpio placements so I can't tell exactly if it's Psyche and Eros's fault if I'm feeling extra Scorpio, lol.Psyche in Scorpio and Eros in Aqua conjunct my sun. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Yet, Scorpio women wield them with uncanny...Even to the layperson with no background in astrology, the term “Scorpio” is synonymous with sex. Scorpios do NOT exhibit themselves the way Sagittarius or Leo people do. Psyche Sign is Sagittarius .

A Scorpio wants to know you, yes in the biblical sense, but also in every way it is possible to know a human being. Scorpios do NOT exhibit themselves the way Sagittarius or Leo people do. Why a Scorpio Stings Scorpios aren’t sadists.

But where would the world be without their moxie?

Scorpio-influenced women are the bitches of the Zodiac. Scorpio’s zodiac ruler, Pluto, operates a life and death cycle in all the affairs of the Scorpio. It’s not uncommon for Eros in Aquarius to have several lovers in a short period of time or to have more than one sex partner simultaneously. Or is the sexuality of Scorpio merely mythology? 6thsign: her Eros and his Psyche in the same sign: IMMORTAL LOVERS!

I get my much needed alone time. They are attracted by others that have their own personal power, it keeps … For all the transformative influence Scorpionic women have had on society and culture, they are still maligned as being ball-busters, nut crackers, she-males and just plain witches! Their shared dream of providing others with spiritual knowledge and the ability to unite soul groups has made their website the hub of activity and authority it is today.

In the world of astrology, the death wish expresses itself as the Pluto Drive. These boss bitches get stuff done, change the world, put men in their place, and make sure women know they don’t have to be second class citizens. And that requires an unnerving and uncomfortable level of inspection and fishing for details. Many things can make a Scorpio native feel highly erotic. In the world of astrology, the death wish expresses itself as the Pluto Drive. Many things can make a Scorpio native feel highly erotic. It’s a guide to connecting yourself to your true self and finding inner balance. Pluto, the planet of death and transformation, gives Scorpios the penchant to hurtle toward catastrophic experiences, behaviors and people that cause them to suffer soul death and bodily harm. Enter the Scorpio Mask.

The Capricorn goat might want to kick you in the nuts, but Scorpio doesn’t care about inflicting physical as much as internal pain that can last much much longer. When they like someone and merge with someone, whether friend or romantic mate, the Scorpio gives intense thought, intense loyalty, intense inspiration to improve that...Masculine Femininity. Psyche also encompasses psychology and discipline of the mind, making it influential upon the soul, mind, and self.

Psyche in Scorpio is the 8th zodiac sign running from the 24th of October to the 22nd of November, they are perhaps the most intense of all signs.

No other zodiac sign is represented by an animal with such a fatal defense mechanism. Scorpio exhibition is private and rare, meaning that whenever you are gifted enough to glimpse it, the experience is precious and captivating. How did a promising duo, suddenly become a solo?!