I used to drown them in a trash can filled with water but no longer do that because it’s brutal. my neighbor just chopped down my tree illegally and i’m trying to get him to replace it. I’m on my way to Armstrong right now.Greg, I found Frederick cultivar at Armstrong but not Possum Purple. I’ve since planted more passion fruit vines to cover other fences and a rain tank. Here is a honey bee on a passion fruit flower on the first day of winter, December 21, 2017:Before I settled on a passion fruit vine for privacy and dust catchment on my fence, I’d tried many other plants. So I don’t know exactly how attracted to passion fruit they are, but I’ve never seen them going after mine more than other fruit.Rabbits are ever present in my yard though. Passion fruit vines make good container specimens but require maintenance. They perform well indoors. They searched several nurseries around the country, found one in Connecticut but they were sold out. And I’ve found that watering about once per week in my sandy loam soil is enough during the summer.

They perform well indoors. Monitor the soil when the vine begins flowering to ensure it stays moist to a depth of at least 4 inches.Water more frequently when fruits appear on the vine. I talked to guy at a nursery who said a passion fruit vine will only live (or stay productive) for 3-5 years and I would need to replace it.

Cuttings should be well Zone 9a. Either way I’m excited to plant some this spring…I have heard the same thing, and from many different sources, that passion fruit vines are short lived. )Harvest is year-round. Passion fruit grow on a fast growing vine that climbs with tendrils. Our first year in this house they literally stole every single plum off our tree — I’m talking hundreds. I live on a dirt road and my vegetable garden starts only twenty feet from the road. $17.97 $ 17. I’ve done this through Armstrong, for example. The Frederick is a large fruit with a green-purple skin and tart flavor. Generally, annual rainfall should be at least 35 inches. The key thing is to secure the basket, with a wire or rope, to a branch or pipe stuck in the ground (I use 1/2′ conduit/ent pipe). I want to grow some of these in Central California, zip 93247.

Wood chips make a good choice, because they are less likely to harbor the snails that can attack passionflower vines in some climates. Purple Passion Fruit Vine – Edible, Delicious. It’s welcome since I’m going to prune them back much further before they start growing intensely again in early spring anyway.Got light frost this morning, incidentally, with a temperature reading on my porch of 36 degrees (so a few degrees lower out in the yard) and zero damage to passion fruit vines or fruit.Passion fruit vines don’t seem to care whether they get watered by drippers or sprinklers. 10-5-20 is one such blend of commercial plant food that is ideal for passion fruit blooms. That may be particular to my plants in my location though, not sure.Each is self-fruitful so you don’t need more than one passion fruit vine in order to get fruit.

utilizing the resistant yellow passion fruit rootstock. Would you consider selling me some rooted cuttings from your vines?I would just give you some rooted cuttings of passion fruit if I had any, but unfortunately I don’t right now. You could use shade cloth or plant to the east of a large tree or building. He’s building a 2-storey behind me and I’d like a tree that is LOW maintenance that will grow tall quickly, little watering to get started and will grow to at least 15-20′ tall?I had a problem and passion fruit solved it. Frederick is one of the hardiest of the Passifloras surviving Winter wet & brief frosts to 20 F with bravo going semi-decidous Takes heat well & enjoys a long growing season. 97. They produce the large edible passion fruit that are purple and will do well in the ground or a …

I’ll take a look at my irrigation in that area – perhaps it’s just not sufficient anymore for the age of the vines.Thanks for the great idea! They’re all very similar in appearance, growth habit, and taste, but I’ve had the best luck with Frederick and Possum Purple. It would probably be twice that length if I never pruned it.I had another problem a couple years ago.

!Hi Greg, I have two 4 year old Frederick passion vines in my yard. Use it as a scaffold for a passion fruit vine to climb. The leaves are glossy green, although its flowers are the real draw. The neat thing that I’ve stumbled upon with passion fruit vines is that once they get a year old you can continue giving them water often and in high volume and you’ll get lots of fruit, but you can also water them infrequently and with less volume — similar to grapes — and the vines will still look good but produce less fruit.Thanks for the post and great info. But once I have one trapped, I do then shoot it with my pellet gun. But it seems that a lot of this information comes from far away places with different growing conditions and disease pressures, places like Australia, Kenya, and South America. Vines hardy to at least 26 degrees F. Usually self-fertile. They ate many immature avocados off my tree this summer and now they are enjoying the pecans in my pecan tree.

I did this last year on a young passionfruit vine, by shaping a cylinder of aviary wire around a section of vine and lacing it up. I wish I knew of a better way, but squirrels are so greedy (they’ll steal every piece of fruit on a tree) and they are so good at climbing that it’s nearly impossible to use barriers effectively.I am curious as to how you immediately eliminate your squirrel population!
Holding 2 fruits so far, guess I’ll finally get to see what one tastes like! A friend of mine has a seven year old vine that is doing well, and he also has a healthy and productive one that’s even older although he said he’s not sure exactly how old it is. Have a dead tree?