This book is a book of faith scattered with quotes from the bible and quotes from real life. Wesley’s hymn concludes with this prayer: “Author of faith, to Thee I lift my weary, longing eyes; O may I now receive that gift! He’s clearly exasperated and weak.

It’s rough; not refined, polished, or gold-plated.

That’s the kind of trust we see expressed in the actions and words of the unnamed woman in Mark 5:25–34. Thus, Christ’s Cross is a place of refuge and healing. The tiny person leans wholly on the Cross, his head buried in his arms and his legs sprawled.

27–29).Have you come to the end of yourself? It’s all he has. Originally created in 2004, it conveyed my complete desperation for Jesus at a very harrowing time in my life. Manning, beloved author and spiritual teacher, shows us how trust in God can transform our lives and open us up to deeper experiences of grace and love. Daughter, your faith has healed you. For twelve years her life had been in shambles (v. 25). Since then, I have had several similar experiences in my journey of faith. He welcomes commissions from individuals, art consultants, designers, corporations, and others. Site designed by Ask God to help you trust Him.

He writes, “It’s a very simple expression of our constant and appropriate posture for life—total, unfettered intimacy with and dependency upon Christ and the gospel.”That’s the kind of trust we see expressed in the “She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse” (v. 26). Go in peace and be freed from your suffering. Wesley’s hymn concludes with this prayer: “Author of faith, to Thee I lift my weary, longing eyes; O may I now receive that gift!
For twelve years her life had been in shambles (v. 25). It is a safe place for cling-ers. Wesley’s hymn concludes with this prayer: “Author of faith, to Thee I lift my weary, longing eyes; O may I now receive that gift! But having heard about Jesus, she made her way to Him, touched Him, and was “freed from her suffering” (vv. Musings on art, beauty, culture, aesthetics, and the spiritual life by wood wall sculptor Douglas W. Merkey.Ruthless Trust comes from a deeply personal place in my walk with Jesus Christ. He writes, “It’s a very simple expression of our constant and appropriate posture for life—total, unfettered intimacy with and dependency upon Christ and the gospel.” That’s the kind of trust we see expressed […] He writes, “It’s a very simple expression of our constant and appropriate posture for life—total, unfettered intimacy … “She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse” (v. 26). We are a community with different talents but the same desire to make sense of God’s life-changing word in our everyday lives. The Lord Jesus still responds to desperate faith—the kind displayed by this suffering woman and depicted in Merkey’s sculpture. In truth, it’s all he’s ever had – but in these moments, he knows that more clearly than ever. That’s the kind of trust we see expressed in the actions and words of the unnamed woman in Mark 5:25–34. Artist Doug Merkey’s masterful sculpture Ruthless Trust features a bronze human figure clinging desperately to a cross made of walnut wood. The Lord Jesus still responds to desperate faith—the kind displayed by this suffering woman and depicted in Merkey’s sculpture. Today’s Word: Artist Doug Merkey’s masterful sculpture Ruthless Trust features a bronze human figure clinging desperately to a cross made of walnut wood. Musings on art, beauty, culture, aesthetics, and the spiritual life by wood wall sculptor Douglas W. Merkey. He also loved creating things and still counts being voted “Most […] Gallery Vibe in Naples Florida offers a breathtaking collection of sustainable Radiata Pine sculpture by St. Louis artist Douglas W. Merkey. But having heard about Jesus, she made her way to Him, touched Him, and was “freed from her suffering” (vv. Have you depleted all your resources? This book is about "trust", trust in the unknown, faith that there is a purpose in life, something we all can gain a source of strength from.

He writes, “It’s a very simple expression of our constant and appropriate posture for life—total, unfettered intimacy with and dependency upon Christ and the gospel.” 27–29).Have you come to the end of yourself? It is place for me and it is a place for every Christian who delights, even in seasons of great weakness and pain, in “The Old Rugged Cross.”So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, Till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, And exchange it some day for a crown.Sculpture and artist’s statement ©2004 dwmerkey sculpture, revised 2019The Old Rugged Cross, 1913, written by George Bernard (1873-1958)Blogs, new artwork, and other updates from sculptor Douglas W. Merkey Today’s Word: Artist Doug Merkey’s masterful sculpture Ruthless Trust features a bronze human figure clinging desperately to a cross made of walnut wood.He writes, “It’s a very simple expression of our constant and appropriate posture for life—total, unfettered intimacy with and dependency upon Christ and the gospel.” For twelve years her life had been in shambles (v. 25). He writes, “It’s a very simple expression of our constant and appropriate posture for life—total, unfettered intimacy with and dependency upon Christ and the gospel.” That’s the kind of trust we…