If there is standing water or if the soil is wet when you stick your fingers into it, allow the plants to soak up more of the water before you water again.Feel the stems of your tomato plants. Usually, the symptoms of excess watering are similar to underwatering, but you can easily observe that you were overwatering by checking out the soil and drainage. A nice green, firm stem is a sign of adequate water consumption. Tomatoes, those kings of the summer vegetable garden, thrive during the hot, dry periods when supplemental irrigation is a must.

Beginner plant growers often do this mistake, they keep watering their plants out of love until they summon the death for them.

Also, a yellow discoloration of the stems suggests they have been watered too much. Feel the stems of your tomato plants. Refrain from watering and allow excess water to soak into the soil.

The condition is called cat facing and results in ugly fruits that may not reach their full size. Cracked soil is a distinct sign of dryness and under-watering.

Wilting is a sign of both under watering and overwatering your plants. Overly hot or cool temperatures can also result in hollow tomatoes.Blossom end rot also occurs on the fruit, but it is caused by both underwatering and overwatering. 9. If the soil around a plant is dry, it may need more water. Check for these warning symptoms. Growing tomatoes can be rewarding and also easy, but you have to pay close attention to your tomato plants and give them the care they need to survive.

Look at the tomato plant leaves. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. To add insult to injury, overwatered tomatoes often crack as they ripen and invite pests and disease.

Older plants may show signs of abnormal growth such as growing more leaves and fewer flowers than expected. Leaf curl may also be caused by over feeding.

Use mulches to maintain steady soil moisture and don't allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.Proper watering depends on the amount of rainfall versus irrigation and the quality of the soil. If they are brown and brittle, you are not watering enough. As overwatered tomato plants mature and begin to set fruit, the topmost leaves curl inward and upward. Your Plant is Wilting. Most plants continue to set fruit and provide ripe tomatoes late into the growing season.After a long season, that red, ripe tomato looks promising. Many of the tomato pests are attracted to the water droplets attached to the leaves. Previously, she owned her own business, selling handmade items online, wholesale and at crafts fairs. This is the classic sign of an under watered plant. Many gardeners believe that the more water they pour, the better they care for their plants. Generally, if the top inch of soil feels moist, the plants don't need water.Stick a twig into the soil.

Below are some important signs to look for that will help you determine if you are overwatering or under watering your plants.

The plants eventually decline or die, often only after you've agonized over the sad state of your garden.Leaf roll is one of the oddest overwatering symptoms but is the least harmful. Check...Signs of Overwatering & How to Save an Overwatered Plant Overwatering is the biggest reason why most of the container plants die. Step 2. Signs Plants Have Too Little Water. Also check the tomato for blossom end rot, which is located on the bottom of the tomato. Your plant is wilting but it looks like it has plenty of water. High soil moisture in conjunction with direct sunlight causes this condition, which is counteracted by providing some afternoon shade to the plant and reducing moisture levels in the soil. Watering in the morning gives enough time for the leaves to dry out before night, which will save the plant from the pests. This is a sign of uneven watering.Holly Moore has been a writer since 1995. The upper portion of the plant may begin to die, usually seen first as dropped leaves and blossoms as well as slowed growth.

In less severe cases, the tomato plant may bounce back.Tomatoes that crack, either at the blossom or stem end, are a result of improper watering. If the stems are brittle or browning, the plants need more water.Look at the tomato plant leaves. This is a dangerous misconception, as over watering can kill your plants. Check the tomato skin for splitting. Look at the soil to see if it is dusty or cracking. ... What Happens If I Overfeed Mature Plants. It causes diseases to spread from one leaf to another. After graduating from Maryville College in 2002, she worked for several newspapers covering a wide variety of subjects, including but not limited to sports, features, entertainment and crime. Reduce watering to eliminate the problem on the next round of fruit set by the plant. How Can I Tell If I Am Over Watering or Under Watering My Tomato Plants? Dark, wet-looking spots develop on the blossom end of the fruit.

Locate the plant to a dry spot and stop watering until you see the soil is dry to touch. Although this alarming condition seems to happen overnight, the symptoms don't mean the sudden death of your harvest. 1. Also, the leaves of the affected plant are soft and stems are tender.

Too much water during the second half of the growing season dilutes the flavor and results in a tomato that isn't much better than a grocery-store selection. How can you tell if you water too much?

This is because the fungi require a wet environment to thrive. Overwatering tomatoes may quickly ruin a tomato's flavor or even put an end to your plants before the first hint of red fruit appears. Whereas, leaves of the underwatered plants are dry and crisp to touch.

Generally, high soil moisture and high temperatures during a period of fast growth result in the condition.

Overwatered tomatoes, unfortunately, are watery and rather tasteless. Other causes of yellow leaves include plant viruses and soil deficiencies.Overwatering encourages a wide range of soilborne diseases, particularly in warm inland gardens.