CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Note: The author does not use traditional chapter numbers or section numbers in this novel. 1.1k plays . from your Reading List will also remove any and any corresponding bookmarks? The Marthas are preppy girls who spend their time doing volunteer work. First Marking Period, Dinner Theater"-"Halloween"" Neck storms into history class one day and begins a debate on immigration because he feels his son is unable to get a job because of immigrants. In algebra, however, she struggles; while once she excelled at math, she doesn't see the practical application of algebra — and her grades reflect her lack of motivation and understanding. Speak tells the story of Melinda Sordino, a ninth grader at Merryweather High School in Syracuse, New York. The only person who will talk to her is Heather, an annoying new girl in town who is focused on social advancement. When she and her friends dressed up as witches, Melinda truly felt herself as part of a coven, a group of young women empowered by their connection to one another. At the party, Melinda feels uncomfortable and out of place. By Laurie Halse Anderson. She gulps down a couple beers before walking outside for some fresh air. By referring to Melinda's past test performance, you see that Melinda used to do well in school and that her apathy toward her grades is a new development. 10 Qs . In Spanish class, the class learns that Heather, on the other hand, is working hard to feel less isolated and has been accepted into a clique, "The Marthas," on a trial basis. Memory and Trauma. However, Melinda, used to her parents' yelling, ignores their demands.Additionally, when Melinda bites her lip when forced to work with Rachel in algebra, you see that her lip-biting is an ongoing motif signifying not only her silence, but also her desire to vanish. They make Heather decorate the faculty lounge by herself and Heather begs Melinda to help her. All Subjects. Report Ad. Summary Melinda's parents receive an update on her grades and confront her about her poor performance at dinner one night.

She wants to throw up.In these sections the theme of naming recurs through the school's ever-changing mascot, Melinda's experience in Spanish class, and her first sighting of IT. Melinda tries not to feel sorry for herself and spends the evening with a copy of Melinda's interaction with her parents, her severe lip-biting, and her memories of last year's Halloween exemplify how much Melinda has lost through the trauma she survived over the summer. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Second Marking Period, Go______ (Fill in the Blank)! This way she can see if any of her friends have decided to stop giving her the silent treatment. He winks and smiles at her. Speak Chapter 1. She decides to sit at the front of the school bus.

There's A Boy in the Girl's Bathroom . Part 1, Chapter 1. "-"Job Day""Second Marking Period, First Amendment"-"Wishbone""Second Marking Period, Peeled and Cored"-"Wombats Rule""Second Marking Period, Dead Frogs"-"Naming the Monster""Third Marking Period, Death of the Wombat"-"Escape""Third Marking Period, Conjugate This"-"Our Lady of the Waiting Room""Third Marking Period, Clash of the Titans"-"Picasso""Third Marking Period, Riding Shotgun"-"Germination""Third Marking Period, Bologna Exile"-"A Night to Remember""Fourth Marking Period, My Life as a Spy"-"Growing Pains""Fourth Marking Period, Gag Order"-"Advice from a Smart Mouth""Fourth Marking Period, The Beast Prowls"-"Real Spring""Fourth Marking Period, Communication 101"-"Prowling""
First Marking Period, Name Name Name"-"Nightmare"" What does it matter what the school is called if it is a place where students like Melinda suffer daily ridicule and exclusion?Naming appears to be problem again, this time in Melinda's Spanish class. Throughout the day, students bully and isolate her. She recalls last year when she and her friends dressed as witches and haunted the town, feeling powerful. The narrator, whose name we'll learn in a bit, has an upset stomach. Why show ads?
Lemonade War Comp . First, through the school's fluctuating identity, Anderson offers commentary on the problem of naming. bookmarked pages associated with this title.