Wrap the cut with plastic wrap and seal with tape. I’ve roots plenty in water, and none have had air roots.Awesome, thanks for that information! Gloves should be worn at all times when handling a split-leaf philodendron because the sap of the plant causes skin irritation.Soak the sphagnum moss in clean water for about an hour. just to clarify: monstera deliciosa and split-leaf philodendron are actually one in the same. In early summer or in spring, use another pot that has a drainage hole to prevent root rot. Native to the tropical areas of the Americas, the Philodendron genus is a foliage plant that ranks among the top houseplants to own.It’s a plant known for its purported air purifying capabilities and has impressive foliage that is sure to brighten up a room or office.These plants are available in two large varieties — climbing and non-climbing — with both the potential to create a little jungle vibe in your home.Below you can read about my tips for split leaf philodendron plant care, and the types of philodendron plants I recommend.Outdoors, in their natural habitat, these plants can become quite large reaching about 15 feet in length, but indoors, they don’t stretch out that much.On average, philodendron grow up to 3 feet, reaching even bigger sizes in width.They’re also deemed as being fast-growing, especially in the wild, in home cultivation, however, it might require some more stimulus to grow.In nature, you’ll find these plants under tropical canopies, and therefore, you should strive to simulate those kinds of light conditions in indoor cultivation as well.Philodendron plants will thrive in bright light, almost direct sunlight, but they’ll grow in light shade as well.You can adjust the light requirements by observing how your plant reacts. As such, you won’t be able to tell whether your propagation has been successful until the first leaf pops up. The foliage also has pronounced lobes formed by deep contours. Split-leaf philodendron grows well in partial shade in well-drained soil. Best of luck!Did the single stem cutting produce any roots? I have a Split Leaf Philodendron that I have successfully propagated however the new plant is not producing any more leafs – so I am thinking the new plant needs a larger pot? Three is best. Stick the cutting into the holes of the soil and tamp the soil around the cutting.Cover the growing tray with the lid. Good luck!Why do people confuse the Split Leaf Philodendron with a Monstera Deliciosa so much? And then, as explained in the post, I just picked a few good stalks with the aerial roots to cut, put in water, and the new root system started to grow. This website uses cookies. If it’s connection with the ground is severed, the plant can even become epiphytic.There are hundreds of philodendron varieties, and these are just a small ‘selection’ of the most popular varieties. Completely different plant than the split leaf…Our sources say that split leaf and monstera deliciosa are the same plants. Transplant the new split-leaf philodendrons into separate containers once a healthy root ball forms.Julie Richards is a freelance writer from Ohio. We also accept donations to support our creative work. The images, writing and projects on this site are created by Katie Daenzer or Sarah Schu, unless otherwise noted. I don’t mind paying for the shipping cost. Like what you see on the blog? Also my main plant has MANY leafs but they are small and not splitting up. I read your article on splitting up with my split-leaf philodendrons. I was brought to your blog by the fact that my philodendron is growing at an alarming rate, so the cuttings-to-vase idea might just be the way to go!They grow like weeds, right?! The texture of the soil should be damp and not drenched. If it stretches out, getting too leggy, it means it needs more sun.If leaves turn yellow, you should reduce the amount of sun the plant receives.A moist growing medium will allow the plant to develop best, however, you need a well-draining soil that won’t be soggy and won’t allow the plant to soak in water.Overwatering is a major issue with these plants.