You can run this drill in the infield, or set up a first base and second base in the outfield the appropriate distance apart. It may take a little time to initiate, but once it’s done the pay-off is great. Play continues until one team has the number of points you have determined is required to win the game or when all the players’ numbers have been called.Before you begin the game, explain the rules and ask the players to repeat the rules of the game back to you. ¤0 ¤0 @&gdÕA ( L æ ! Check back next week for another installment. Pitch 2-Just nick the battom of the ball. !You get a Barney (or any other stuffed animal, but Barney works the best because they hate him) and put him on a chair by 1st base. Softball Fielding Drill- Face to Face Drill Purpose: To develop the basic mechanics for HYPERLINK "" \o "Softball Fielding Drills" \t "_blank" softball fielding a ground ball and following with an accurate throw. Have children sit down on the boundary lines while they are waiting for their turn. Award the other team a point if its player makes the tag before the runner reaches the line. For this drill, you will need one softball and gloves for each player. �! In the early stages of the season, emphasize hitting the target as success With young players, immediate success is important for positive reinforcement ard will encourage their enthusiasm for the drill and willingness to listen to instruction.2. Í! The first player in each line throws the ball against the fence. Setting Up the Drill . I! This helps players to coordinate, focus and react to hit the correct color ball.PICK A NUMBER:Take 3 or 4 balls, write a number on each ball. Depending on the number of players, set up four to six cones about 50 feel apart from one another.2. Steal the Bacon. I always used this as a coach, great drill. You'll be amazed at what batters think are balls. Put a runner on first. Assign each player a number from one to 10 or however many players you have on each team. This is a good softball fielding drill for outfielders or infielder who want to protect against shallow fly balls over their heads.   lines and place the bacon in the exact center between them.

Of course, this presupposes each player has a pocket. Remember, the caller can call out more than one number at a time or even all the numbers. Drills for College Softball Recruits: Steal the Bacon. Procedure: Equipment required soft-covered softballs, colored masking tape, access to a fence or a wall,  time taken 4 to 6 minutes, on a wall or fence mark off three or four squares with blue painter's tape, 15 inches by 8 inches. �! Your base runner tosses the ball to herself and hits a ground ball. —! Blue or red gets the ball and tries to score. This drill works well against a net, a tarp, and even the side of a house or apartment building. ¥! Purpose: To improve softball throwing accuracy for younger players. For safety purposes, only the girl in the hula-hoop can have a bat in her hand and do practice swings.

In this game, two teams are chosen, and one umpire is selected. She then takes off around the bases as fast as she can, going from first to second to third to home. Playname: Steal the bacon. §! â!

You can learn to read different pitches, and the pitcher gets better practice when there is a batter in the box.HITTING DIFFERENT OBJECT:Try golf whiffle balls, small coffee can lids (thrown like frisbees), pinto beans, etc, anything that has them concentrating on a smaller than usual target and hitting something that moves, rather than moving in a straight line. Time: 6 to 8 minutes. Set up two cones 8 to 15 feet apart depending on he age and ability of players. The members of each team are numbered.

tag him/her. One object is required to the bacon. Divide the players into two teams, station, one team and a coach in right center, and the otter team and a coach in left center. Contact Us for More Information! Blue or red gets the ball and tries to score. Have a coach hit ground balls to shortstop.The player fields the ball and makes a throw trying to knock Barney off the chair.The ball must be fielded properly or no points. The player who gets the “bacon” must race back behind their team’s boundary line without being tagged by their opponent.The referee can decide to call out more numbers to release other pairs of opponents if the original players have difficulty grabbing the bacon or to make the game more exciting.Each team scores a point when a team member manages to race back behind their line with the bacon before an opposing player can tag them. Try before you buy. ( Players should squeeze their gloves when carrying the ball, No points are awarded if a player drops the ball during the drill Softball Throwing Drills – Bucket Relay Purpose: This HYPERLINK "" \o "Softball Throwing Drills" \t "_blank" softball throwing drill is to develop techniques for relaying a softball from the outfield to the infield. On the coach’s command, the outfielder should sprint deep into the outfield and at that point, the coach throws the ball to the outfielder. If a player has this problem, start him out with a quarter or half swing before striking the ball. HITTING: EYE ON THE BALL PROGRAM If your players batting mechanics are good, and they're still not hitting the ball, they are probably not seeing it correctly, or perhaps not following it right to the bat. Players attempt to grab each other’s hankies. The umpire then calls out a number. This will improve their concentration and teach them to follow the ball all the way in.MISS/MISS/HIT:Use a series of three pitches to teach them to watch the ball. Start 2 Week Trial Procedure: Two buckets of softballs, six empty plastic buckets, gloves. Designate a playing area with boundaries on both sides.