W ccs then damages, and every auto slows from e passive.from what I know, I believe camille doesnt take those masteries, and for ekko and kha. I have been looking at a few guides for various champs but i dont think i have ever seen someone recommend cheap shot. Annie's stun is her only CC and would opt you to rush Rylai's (which was nerfed to the ground) to fully utilize Cheap Shot. All right so I've been messing around with both of them, cause they both seem to have their own unique benefits. It’s better 9/10 times. Sudden Impact grants extra armor/magic penetration (abt 8 which is almost half of a yomuu’s) Cheap shot only helps deal an extra flat damage (about 15 in the earlygame). Cheap Shot. Sudden Impact is better when paired with burst and target access, whereas cheap shot tends to be better when paired to long range poke.For instance, if Camille takes domination we are considering that she is probably running Electrocute (she commonly does on jungle) and going for quick target access.

Tacking on extra damage every time her stun is up is a really big deal. Ingenious Hunter. You just gotta see what feels right. Every champ that uses it seems to use sudden impact better. Penetration>flat damage!

Sudden impact is a scaling rune, cheap shot is an early game rune.Chep shot is better if your champion can proc it realiably,it adds consinstent damage to your poke.The magic pen form sudden impact is better if your champ is more all-in based ( leblanc,kha ziz,zed...).I main lissandra and i use both. All of this combined means a few things if you decide to take Sudden Impact.However, the scaling bonus damage you get by midgame is astounding. Tracking Zombie Ward. Yeah sudden impact is decent but a lot of times I'm not very impressed with how much extra damage it actually gave me at the end of the game. 8 magic penetration may not seem like much, but the numbers are on par with electrocute mid-late game.I think both have their ups and downs.

If you choose not to go protonest btw, I reccomend running ravenous hunter, the healing is actually insane late game.I KNOW Ravenous Hunter is amazing, but without Ingenious Hunter, you don't get the bonus penetration. But year def sounds right. Sudden Impact also applies to all of your abilities while Cheap Shot is a one-time per combo deal. It seems like most champs who use the tree all favor this over cheap shot when both seem like viable options (ekko, camille, kha etc)It depends on how often your champion is able to use the rune overall. Notes "Going in combat by affecting an enemy champion" refers to any form of effect that makes you go in combat. I can't imagine one being inherently better either of the other twoSudden impact for protobelt, otherwise cheap shot. Sudden Impact – best damage option, but you lose 30 AP (when Rakan has 5.0 AP ratio). Eyeball Collection. Protobelt in fact DOES proc Sudden Impact and I use it quite frequently. Note that attacks or abilities that impair the target will not trigger that bonus damage themselves, unless the target is already slowed or immobilized. Secondary Slot 2:

Pair it with a good jungle gank and it's guaranteed kill/summoner spell.Good summary, makes sence. We offer a variety of tools and events to assist in the learning process. Notes Cripple does not count as a valid crowd control for Cheap Shot., All mobility impairing crowd control as well as Nearsight, Blind, and Silence count as valid crowd control for Cheap Shot. This is all assuming you delve into the domination tree, naturally.So the obvious choice seems to be cheap shot. the lethality on early trades does a hell of a lot more than a little extra true dmg. I do believe that Protobelt or Hexflash (Jared often takes hex) is pretty pivotal to taking Sudden Impact; you can always experiment with both and compare raw damage at the end of the game/uses and see what you prefer!Edit: on his Twitch page, he States that Sudden Impact has "SIGNIFICANTLY more damage" than cheap shot when using it in a combo.Sudden Impact and Ingenious Hunter aren’t in the same tree though.What he's trying to say is when you take Sudden Impact, Ingenious Hunter would be the best option out of the 3 choices (Ravenous hunter and Relentless Hunter) because it diminishes Protobelt's cooldown.Sudden Impact: For 5 seconds after using a dash, teleport, or blink, gain 8 magic penetration. Personally, I love Protobelt, and I rush it in any matchup that lets me.Relentless Hunter is also great. 12-30 is not a lot, even for true damage. This allows you to have 10-40% item CDR which gives you maximum benefit of Protobelt's active which in turn gives maximum benefit for Sudden Impact. This is actually good especially when the removal of MR runes kind of helped AP champions in terms of dealing damage in the early game. Ultimate Hunter. The champions that you mentioned have dashes which are mostly used for initiating trades, thus, more useful as compared to cheap shot.