One or both are afraid of losing a partner because of his or her suspicious actions. Use this sense of uncertainty to fuel your inner search.Take some time to meditate on these two questions: what is it that you really desire and what steps can be taken to achieve these goals?If you’re single, hang on tight because this card tells you that a red-hot romance is on its way. Robert Browning said that “Love is energy of life.” There is nothing as powerful as receiving The Lovers tarot card is number six of the Major Arcana cards and mainly represents love, relationships, and major decisions regarding soulmate situations.Even if you’re not looking for love advice, the Lovers can be a powerful card that helps you get clear about your own values and find harmony within yourself.Here you can find a detailed description of the Lovers tarot card including keywords, upright, and reversed card meanings.Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed Lovers tarot card meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, below some facts and an overview of the most important words connected to this Major Arcana card.To fully understand the Lovers tarot card meaning, we will first take a look at the illustration, its colors, and symbolism.The Lovers tarot card shows a naked man and woman resembling the story of Behind the man, there is a tree of flames, which represents the man’s fiery passion that shapes his destiny.

Lovers reversed … Maybe you’re asking about a bunch of job applications you sent in, and you get the Lovers reversed using a three-person card; that could indicate that you may end up having to make a difficult choice between two of those jobs.Obviously, you or the reader will know what the Lovers card looks like in the deck that you use, but remember that there are other cards indicating love and choice in the deck. This leads to another scandal or even a temporary separation.

As reversed cards can deal with extremes of the upright meaning, the previous card to the Lovers is The Heirophant. One of the themes of this card is the doctrine of Original Sin, yet this card suggests that it was not an error. Not only does the type of card carry a lot of weight, but the imagery can indicate a couple of very different interpretations. Put others first and try to meet people where they are. If you drew a tarot card yourself and want to share this, I would love to hear from you!That’s all for the Lovers tarot card meaning! She may look for a way out. The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning. If you’re in a relationship, the card can indicate that you’re not on the same page anymore. So if you pull the reverse of the card, it could indicate that you have to make an unpleasant choice or that there are no good choices; maybe the best choice is the one you least want. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. (Card Descriptions Based On Original Rider-Waite Colors – Still Under US Games Inc. When these cards show up in a reading, they indicate that the issues that the position of the card deals with are important, more important than the rest of the spread. Just checked it out and the Heirophant is correct. Set up the connection; Feel loved; Make a connection or get married; Found the match; Sympathize with others; Get closer; Become close. No matter what your question is, a card from the Major Arcana is like a cosmic highlighter, making that card and its position stand out. Depending on which card it is paired with, this unity could be short-lived or everlasting.These two cards are symbiotic. The Lovers is part of the Major Arcana, the first half of the tarot deck that deals with archetypes and universals. Copyright) Search for merge; Desire experience; Have sex; Be open to the partner; … Psychic Readings All Horoscopes The Lovers says: make relationships the primary concern.

Self-love and respect are also what the reversed Lovers card stands for.

You may have made a choice that was based on your wish for instant fulfillment but are now blaming others for the consequences that are happening to you.The card advises you to be accountable, learn from your mistakes and let go. Strong relationships are the key to reaching your goals – make others your priority at this time. Sometimes, a fear of commitment may also be indicated. The Lovers Tarot card has one of the most complex meanings in the Tarot deck. The Lovers (VI) has dual meanings. Does it seem as if you are just not on the same page and no longer share the same values? When it is reversed, it can indicate that you will be tempted by unethical choices and opportunities.You may be encouraged to risk something for the sake of your career.

Accept who you are and try to see the value you offer in this world. When it’s the Are you currently going through a heartbreak, divorce, or some other relationship severing? This could apply to your physical heart, or be a sign that your emotional heart will recover from the grief of a death or breakup.A reversed Lovers card symbolizes emotional instability or disharmony within a relationship.

On the other extreme we may find very definite morals, religious influence on sexuality, celibacy, virginity, saving oneself for the right one, no sex outside marriage etc.

Scorpio Self-love and respect are also what the reversed Lovers card stands for.