The tower card establishes the fact that nothing is constant except change. It’s generally considered to be a dark, threatening card and can often be a forebearer of unforeseen and deeply traumatic events. At it’s most negative, the Tower portends failure and bankruptcy, perhaps the result of repeated bad investments. The tower tarot card often brings ominous tidings to any reading.
It should be remembered though that Tarot cards have a variety of different interpretations, and that the Tower card … It could be in the recent or distant past — either way, you must learn to move forward and leave it behind you, where it belongs.In the present position, it represents a longstanding conflict that’s about to come to its conclusion. Perhaps it will motivate you to start up a new project, one that you wouldn’t have realized were it not for your troubled finances.Filing for personal bankruptcy could enable you to leave your financial obligations behind and start thinking clearly again, minus all the stress your debts have been bringing you. The Tower card in tarot is one of the most misunderstood cards in the deck. Introduction: The Tower is a card about change.

Its alternative titles are: Castle of Plutus, God's House and the Tower of Babel. Added together, 1 (the solar, divine energy) and 6 (associated with Venus and the power of love) make Number 7, the number of Neptune, which quite literally represents earth shaking psychic and spiritual insights.This is an act of divine love, meant to move you forward, not destroy you.

However, meditating on the Tower tarot card can be a very useful way to help cope with the pain of a bad experience or memory, or to draw important lessons from a harsh trial that fate has recently sent your way.Try to visualize a mental parallel between a bad experience you have endured and the image of the crumbling tower on the tarot card. While some positive lessons can be drawn in retrospect, usually this is one of the most negative cards in the tarot deck. Destruction is an integral part of the growth and improvement cycles. This could involve being promoted to a position you’re scarcely able to navigate at first but which promises to bring great reward once you’re over the learning curve.You need to be especially careful and prudent with your spending. The walls and structures carefully built so far are breaking down one by one in a painful and almost unbearable epiphany.Drawing the tower major arcana in a love-based tarot reading can often herald the end of a relationship about to break apart. As dire as this no doubts sounds, it may not be quite as terrible as you think.

For instance, maybe you really should consider defaulting on your mortgage — surrender the keys to your home and start renting again.These are definitely tough choices, but in the end being pro-active about your financial situation will leave you a happier person.You may be ignoring the warning signs of a serious illness by irrationally believing these symptoms will go away on their own. It could be of a romantic nature, and if so, you need to step back and reevaluate the relationship in order to proceed in the right direction.As a future reading, the Tower indicates that the worst is behind you, but you still have a series of major challenges coming your way. In a reading, it can indicate that disruption and conflict are coming your way. Finding out a shocking truth through social media. By ignoring the truth you’re doing yourself a great disservice. This is probably the most negative card to be found among the It is easy to give in to despair and give up when disaster strikes, but knowing how to stand back up and move on is what makes all the difference between common people and those who want to be better, between sleeping masses and people looking for enlightenment.While the nature and architecture of the structure itself can vary widely from one tarot deck to the next, the common point that binds them all is the presence of a towering edifice being struck down by lightning, so hard that part of the tower starts crumbling down.