These toads are found in the northern part of South Carolina. Listen to him go below:**Although it bears the name of “toad” it is actually considered to be a frog.This frog is typically 1″ in length, with females being slightly larger. These frogs can jump a surprisingly long way (5-6′) for their small size. It’s call sounds similar to a bleating sheep with a baaaaa. Tadpoles will become frogs within 6-8 weeks. It has been threatened in states where the wetland habitat has shrunk.It’s chorus of a shrill high pitched call can be heard from up to a 1/2 mile away! The Green Frog is seen on the eastern portion of the state of Oklahoma.These frogs can produce as many as 6 different calls – however the most distinctive sound is a throaty boink that sounds like a loose banjo string being plucked. It’s the American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus). Tadpoles will become frogs in midsummer or may even transform the following spring. As shown in the photo below, they can be found in the most of Oklahoma.The great plains narrow mouth toad’s call is a nasal buzz lasting only 1-4 seconds. Many also have spots on the body and a stripe down the middle of the back.Generally speaking then, seeing an amphibian with bumpy skin and stripe on the back, in one of the drier areas surrounding a pond, river or wetlands indicates that the amphibian is a toad.Consider the picture at the top of the page.

Some may be patterned while others are solid in color. Check out Here are the frogs  and Toads that can be found in Oklahoma:The American Bullfrog is the largest frog in Oklahoma.

2-3.5” (5-9 cm). They can be found throughout the eastern half of the state.The toad has a high musical trill which can last upwards of 30 seconds. Both genders of the bullfrog croak. It will typically be burrowed underground. The range of the Plain’s leopard frog is the eastern half of Oklahoma. The tadpoles will transform into frogs around mid-July based on water temperature. Listen to them below:

They are common in many back yards with a nearby water source.For example, the next picture shows a Fowler’s Toad.

The spotted chorus frog will breed from January to early June and has been known to go into October if the conditions are right. Usually brown in color, may also be shades of gray, red, olive or tan. It’s a greeny/brown colour with black mottled markings on its back. The males will gather in a fishless pond and call. It can be distinguished by it’s dark colored “X”across its back.

The first one was caught in the 70’s, I caught the second one 1998The squirrel tree frogs are in neighboring states so it is possible they are still in the state. During the winter, the toad will burrow deep into the ground below the frost line.

The throat color ranges to yellow for a male to white for the females. They can reach up to 4″ in length! Usually we learn at an early age that toads live on land and frogs live in the water. Like most tree frogs, the spring peeper is nocturnal and loves to hunt ants, spiders and other small insects during the evening.The Strecker’s chorus frog can reach 1.5″. It can be found in grassy areas on rocky slopes and in rock filled canyons. The crawfish frog can be found in low lying areas including meadows, prairies, brush fields and crawfish holes. These frogs can reach 2.5″ and can be easily frightened. They produce a compound in their blood which keep their blood from freezing in the winter.

Individuals that return to natal ponds to breed will likely encounter siblings as potential mates. It can be gray or brown with numerous dark spots reaching up to 2.5″ in length. Listen to it below:The Western green toad is a small toad that is green with yellow-green and black spots.

During the breeding season, the males throat color may darken.

It has a light white to yellow belly that usually has black or gray spots on it.

They may be found near permanent water sources like slow moving streams, margins of lakes and ponds or around marshy areas.This frog was named for its breeding call which sounds very much like a chirp or trill of a cricket repeated for about 20 beats or like 2 pebbles clicked together.

The Cope’s gray treefrog’s call is short and raspy. Listen to the video below to hear!The Pickerel frog looks very similar to the Northern Leopard frog; however the pickerel frog has 2 parallel rows of squareish spots down its back. They can reach up to 2″ in length. They can grow up to 6″ in length and weigh up to a 1 pound. They burrow into soil to escape drought and cold.